Am I the only one...?

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Katie Krafter

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Scottish Borders on a hill
Ok, so I'm not the most prolific poster on here, but I lurk about a bit. It has struck me that quite a lot of negative vibes have been caused by new members, coming onto the site, asking for advice in a hurry, and then getting all stirred up when they don't like it. I'm not going to mention specific posts or threads, but there are two that are quite "live" at the moment.

So I'm thinking, why do people go to the trouble of googling the forum (presumably that's how they've found it) becoming a member, posting a question, getting (busy) people to reply to it, and then ignore, question or criticise the advice given? What's in their brains? I haven't read any posts that are deliberately critical of the inexperienced, but only some that are quite straight and in most cases these have been saying "go to a vet". In some cases, really helpful members have gone out of their way to post helpful suggestions, photos, background information, or even offer practical assistance. And yet back comes quite negative comment from these newbies about the advice or comments given.

I was just wondering if it is just me that thinks this is a bit off? I think this is a pretty helpful forum, friendly, and I have learnt loads in quite a short time. I have nothing but respect for most of the senior members on here who offer advice and the benefit of their experience for free. You don't have to follow it if you don't want to, but why come back and criticise it or the person offering it? I think the rescues are fantastic, and they handle so many issues and problems, it would be a shame if they felt that they couldn't or didn't want to offer advice to newbies because of the reactions they get.
This isnt really a new thing.. Ive only been here a year and ive found it goes in cycles. Over the past couple of months weve had some lovely concienscious new members... probably means we are in for a torrent of people who are harder to bring round.

That said, when I joined the forum I thought I knew all there was to know about keeping piggies... BOY was I wrong. :)

I have no issues with people ignoring my advice. If they had taken it, and came back with lovely stories of how their piggies were I would be much happier, but it still would have taken me the same amount of time and effort to write the advice.

The only thing that truely annoys me, are people who come back after ignoring the advice of experienced members (not including myself in experience. lol) wanting out sympathy after a bad outcome, or yet more help because things have gotten worse. But thats a personal issue I have. As a result I just avoid those threads after I know such a thing has occurred. I think with it being such a busy forum it is fairly easy to avoid certain areas if you wish to. :)
This Forum Is Awesome. I Read All The Info I Could Find On This Forum Before Joining. I Was Going To Be A Occasional Breeder, But Thanks To This Forum I Am Now All About Loving My Piggies & Totally Against Breeding. I Think What Rescues Do Is Amazing & If We Had A Bigger Breeding Problem Where I Lived I Would Almost Consider Rescuing & Rehoming To Loving People. I Have Had Nothing But Encouraging Comment On My Posts & People Need To Read The Terms Before Joining. I Think All Advice Given On This Forum Is In The Best Interests Of The Piggies. So If People Dont Like The Advice Then Maybe They Are Only Thinking Of Them Selves & Not Their Much Loved Pet.
Ok Rant Over lol. Thats Just What I Think Anyways.
I agree with you Katie. I'm new but have read some threads with amazement at how obnoxious some people can be at times.
My mantra is, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all!
I really hate upsetting people.
The advice given is sound knowledgable advice given by experienced owners, I've learnt SOOOOO much.
So thank you Guinea Pig Forum!
I love this forum! You've all helped me millions and i havent even got them yet! And i'm confident knowing once my boys are here if i need any help i'll turn to you all as this is my second home at moment!

I try not to reply to peoples posts to be fair for fear of upsetting people. But i'd never post a question then go off on one over the reply LOL whats point in that? weirdo's :^-

If i dont like what someones posted, just ignore it! Plenty people type things too in a way they dont mean, can cause trouble i suppose bit like texting! :x
I think the main issue is alot of people who have guinea pigs think they are a pretty simplistic animal... And that's just not the case... They have a digestive system similar thats (in a basic way) very similar to a horse... They suffer from all sorts of quite complex medical issues... And I genuinely think people don't know that or think that small animals really need to see a vet (this issue also isn't helped by some of the vets who arnt small animal savy)
So I think when they cone here they are expecting a bit of advice or tips rather then being told to take them to the vets... Which over a bank holiday/Sunday is going to be very expensive and it the age old opinion of 'it cost £15 to buy this, why on earth would I spend £300 making it better'
I'm not saying everyone is like this... Not at all... But I do think it boils down to not understanding how complex these little animals are...
I'm no expert on piggies at all but I'll always try to help with what little I do know. Unfortunately I'm one of those that just tells it as it is and sometimes my bluntness might be taken the wrong way. I do apologise if I've upset anyone with my approach to things. However I do agree that if ever anybody is in doubt over their piggies it's better to get a vet to see the piggy rather then self medicate. I do know vet fees can be high but what cost do you put on the life of your piggies?
I think the problem is we are attracting more and more people who dont want to take their piggy to the vets. In my opinion we are usually too soft on them. :x

But, what can you do? :)
I totally agree. I have only needed to use a vet with my piggies in the last couple of years and, stupidly, did not get my older 2 insured (I think that I was very naive). I have often had the comment that I could have had hundreds of piggiels for the amount that I have paid out on them, but if you have a pet you have to realise that when you take them on.

Maybe a lot of new owners are blissfully unaware of the conditions and diseases that piggies can get and should do more research before they go and get them. I must admit that I didnt know as much as I thought I did, and its only thanks to this forum, buying books and my own research that now I feel that I am able to offer a small amount of advice.

Anyone thinking of owning a piggie (or any animal) should at least go out and buy a decent book on them first.
We have got some lovely new members, too! :))

But being a top listed forum means that we attract a lot of people, some having got piggies first and then finding themselves in trouble over them. Vet care is so much more expensive than the pet itself, and there are also no quick fixes when ill matched piggies fall out...

It is also important to remember that attitudes towards pets are quite different in different countries. Please keep also in mind that vet cost in the US and Canada are A LOT higher than in Britain, which makes looking for other solutions first for minor problems a valid consideration and not necessarily a sign of bad care!
Well I must say I love this forum, it is one of the best forums around. I've had Dudley for 3 years before I found this site so was blissfully unaware of all of the different things you should know about them.
Since joining I have added Yuri so he has a buddy, bathed them both, changed their cage to a C&C for more space, changed them to fleece, brought god knows how many cosy items, sorted Dudleys bad leg out by taking him to the vet etc etc.
I love sitting here on my lunch hour having a read through all different threads to learn a little more each day about my babies, plus looking at everyone elses gorgeous babies.

A special mention also to Wiebke - thank you for all the private messages when I was going through the bonding of Dudley and Yuri, it really help me and kept me motivated when I wanted to seperate them
Wiebke is an absolute treasure of a lady :(|), She gave me lots of great advice about piggies at the cavy corner fun day last month
I've only been a member a couple of months but have found the forum very useful. I dont respond to every thread, especially the ill piggies although thoughts are always with them. Since joining we have moved to vet bed and fleeces and our herd love them. There are many good people on the forum (some I hope to meet at the brum meet in May) but having been on the internet for 18 years now I am surprised at how few negative posters and trolls the forum has.

I sometimes wonder about the age of some posters by the comments made. I also know that vet bills are high (£600 approx since xmas) but there are alternatives such as the PDSA whose treatment may well be excellent. Perhaps the forum should look on itself as the GP emergency service putting people in touch with proven cavy vets.
I'm an active member on and we get grumpy new members all the time. Seems a bit pointless to argue with strangers to me XD
I'm new too and have found this an invaluable forum for my, thankfully, fairly trivial queries so far, but people seem very welcoming and kind compared to a lot of other forums.

I guess the problem is people posting for the first time in extremis (eg gp near collapse or obviously suffering badly) and then not particularly wishing to take the advice on trust as they have not lurked long enough to see who can be trusted to give good advice!
I'm an active member on and we get grumpy new members all the time. Seems a bit pointless to argue with strangers to me XD

I'm a mod on a police forum, we get some very anti-social types trying it on! We had a phase were freemen were coming on and causing all sorts of unrest and nearly caused a riot!
I'm a total newbie to this forum and I've already gained so much knowledge within my week here!

On my first day a Joanne (flintstones) came and helped me with syringe feeding my piggie and then also gave me so much advice on food for them etc!

I also loved all the warm welcomes I got from people on the introduction forum!

I don't think there's anything we can do if a person comes onto the forum and decides to be ignorant or rude to someone offering advice, just take it on the chin and don't bother trying to help them again! x
I'm a mod on a police forum, we get some very anti-social types trying it on! We had a phase were freemen were coming on and causing all sorts of unrest and nearly caused a riot!

Sorry off topic but I'd love to know what a policeman forum is all about, can anyone join or just cops? What kind of things get talked about on a policeman forum - bet it's so interesting!
I love this forum and cannot praise it enough. I have found it full of useful info and it is a sheer pleasure to look at all the photos of all the gorgeous piggies out there.

As to vets, any pet I have ever owned has been with the idea that this is now a family member and just as I would take a human member to a human doctor I will take a pet to a vet.

However, one does not always realise whether a vet is called for or not. And sometimes there is such concern one is in a panic and wants an answer right away. And sometime the only appropriate answer IS to see a vet.

For example, I did not know that piggies eat their special poops. So, the first time I saw this, a friend was with me, we both panicked and trolled the Internet, me on the desktop, her on the laptop. And as the answers came back that this was normal, instant relief, no nail-biting worrying about the piggy while waiting to go to the vet to ask a question that shows what an ignoramus I was about piggies and to have to pay for the privilege.

On the other hand, after only 4 weeks of owning my 2nd boy, who was then 8 weeks old, he suddenly went crazy chewing everything he could get his teeth on. When I looked in his mouth I noticed incisors twice as long as that of my adult boy. Mad panic again! Trolling the Internet I discovered all about piggies with dental problems and yes the answer to that was see a vet. Which we continue to do, nail-biting and worrying each time.

I joined this forum because these experiences have taught me that I need to learn about these little creatures and this forum is the best one I've seen.
I agree this forum is very helpful, But I cant help to feel this thread could be directed at me and one of my posts, although I dont think I was ever rude to anyone, I just had a difference of opinion, and in my thread I wasnt really asking for advise although I did get other members opinions to take my pig to the vet when I felt it was unnecessary at that time and was/am trying a shampoo first. which if it dosnt work I will take my pig to the vet! If I am one of the persons you are refering to as ignorant and rude and why did I bother to join, I would just like to say, I am not ignorant and rude and I didnt come here just to post and cause trouble and ignore advise! I actually think this is one of the best forums on guinea's as well as easy to navigate around after looking at a few different sites, and I have also taken part in other threads and offered what I would consider advise, again it is up to individuals to decide what they ultimately will do, and you are always going to get difference's of opinions that's just life!;)
The thread to which you refer - where you have that you believe to have ringworm and you are self-diagnosing and treating.

The baby was 125g when you got her, this is the weight of the average 0-7 day old. She then increased in weight to 220g a week ago, this is the weight of the average 2-3 week old baby.

You have diagnosed her as having ringworm from looking at pictures on the internet. You are already treating for mites.

Several members with many years experience have said that, given her age/weight and that the shampoos that treat fungal infections should only be used on pigs aged 12 weeks/600g, she should be taken to a vet for get a confirmed diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. It is not clear form your picture that it is a fungal problem at all.

You have chosen to ignore all the advice and self treat, you may feel that you are not rude and ignorant as you have not used offensive language or personal attacks. Your apparent monumental arrogance and dismissal of very experienced members grave concern for the welfare of your pig is however the crux of the matter.

I very rarely give a personal opinion on any threads, I am here to help as many pigs and their owners as possible, for you I was happy to make an exception.
I think this forum is very useful however I can see why some people are upset or offended by comments made. When you have a sick piggy the last thing you want is to be told you are doing something wrong. But people on here ARE knowledgable and do give very good advice. I would never be confident enough to self medicate - even when people on here advised me of correct doses (later the vet told me they were right but I was afraid of harming my babies.).

I think that people, particularly those new to the forum, need to remember posting on here does not make up for a vet appointment and we simply cannot diagnose anything. Though knowledgable people are here they cannot prescribe medication. Seek professional veterinary help if your piggy is ill.

Sorry off topic but I'd love to know what a policeman forum is all about, can anyone join or just cops? What kind of things get talked about on a policeman forum - bet it's so interesting!

Anyone can join. We have quite a few non police on the forum. We talk about stories in the press, we help with enquiries. We also help people wanting to join the police. There are also sections for the other emergency services. ;)
I agree this forum is very helpful, But I cant help to feel this thread could be directed at me and one of my posts, although I dont think I was ever rude to anyone, I just had a difference of opinion, and in my thread I wasnt really asking for advise although I did get other members opinions to take my pig to the vet when I felt it was unnecessary at that time and was/am trying a shampoo first. which if it dosnt work I will take my pig to the vet! If I am one of the persons you are refering to as ignorant and rude and why did I bother to join, I would just like to say, I am not ignorant and rude and I didnt come here just to post and cause trouble and ignore advise! I actually think this is one of the best forums on guinea's as well as easy to navigate around after looking at a few different sites, and I have also taken part in other threads and offered what I would consider advise, again it is up to individuals to decide what they ultimately will do, and you are always going to get difference's of opinions that's just life!;)

No - this thread wasn't directed at any specific person or following an individual thread. I was just puzzled as to why some folk behave and respond differently from other folk, and whether I was the only one who felt some responses, particularly from new members, were not what I would have expected. Some posters have agreed with me and some haven't; some have added some thoughts that I have found useful; some have said things I don't agree with - as you say, that's life.

But I also do question why people do have animals and then when something goes wrong spend time and money on potentially harmful or ineffective cures and treatments and don't go to a vet. As one poster said, I wouldn't do this with my kids, and having taken on the responsibility of looking after (many) animals, I don't expect to do it with them. I take the view that if one takes on an animal, one has the duty to care for it for as long as it needs care, and at the end of the day, if this means a vet, or putting the animal down, then that is part of the responsibility of owning it.

It is always interesting to hear other peoples' view points, and one of the great things about belonging to a forum.

I've never understood people who get pets and then neglect them by not taking them to the vet. Whilst there is lots of information on this forum and the people genuinely know a lot, there is no comparison to physically going to see a vet. I have always taken the advice of the people on here, and without TGPF I would never have met my lovely Bernadette!
My mum tried to talk me out of getting a new friend for Junior, from a financial point of view - "you're paying a lot in vet bills or cremation costs (re: when Fudge died)". That is no excuse. I would sell everything in my house to keep those piggies happy.
I'm a brand new member only joined a few days ago! And this forum has been just amazing! I have only recently got my first ever piggie and the advice i have gotton on here is so much better than what i got after spending ages googling things! Keep it up everyone! I hope one day i can help answer newbie questions like you guys!
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