Am I Over Feeding? Poo Explosion!

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New Born Pup
Apr 26, 2016
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Hi all,

I did a complete clean this morning of my cage and have just come home to find this.... See pic.
I poo pick every day and remove wet clumps and complete clean Thursday morning and Sat or Sunday, is this a normal amount of poo for two piggies? I have just bought some fleece as I'm going through bedding like crazy.

Any advice much appreciated. Xx

Yes, that looks very normal for me; it could actually be even more!

Make sure that your piggies have unlimited hay; it should make up to 80% of the daily food intake for good dental, gut and long term health. Vegetables should make 10-15% and pellets 5-10% of the daily food intake.
Carrots should not be fed too often, as they are fattening and high in vitamin A, which can build up in the liver. Ideally you feed a mix of several veg everyday. More details in this link: Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
Yes, that looks very normal for me; it could actually be even more!

Make sure that your piggies have unlimited hay; it should make up to 80% of the daily food intake for good dental, gut and long term health. Vegetables should make 10-15% and pellets 5-10% of the daily food intake.
Carrots should not be fed too often, as they are fattening and high in vitamin A, which can build up in the liver. Ideally you feed a mix of several veg everyday. More details in this link: Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
Thanks, there hay is in the hay hold on the side, this is full each day, I put hay in the log also. I feed them veg each morning and eve, either pepper, cucumber, broccoli, parsley and celery. This is the first time they have had carrots so won't give them to often. They have 120g pellet a day also. It just seems so much lol. Thanks for your reply.
Thanks, there hay is in the hay hold on the side, this is full each day, I put hay in the log also. I feed them veg each morning and eve, either pepper, cucumber, broccoli, parsley and celery. This is the first time they have had carrots so won't give them to often. They have 120g pellet a day also. It just seems so much lol. Thanks for your reply.

You can reduce the pellets to 40g per piggy per day. When you introduce a new veg, just give a little chunk, not a whole carrot or slice of pepper, floret or chunk of broccoli stem etc.! This will also help in case the new veg is causing a tummy upset. You can also try French beans and 1 in strips of spring greens; they can both be part of a daily diet if you give one of each. ;)

Guinea pigs have evolved to live on nutritionally rather poor grasslands, so they need to eat lots and process lots. Heaps of poos are a very good sign that the digestion is working well! ;)
You can reduce the pellets to 40g per piggy per day. When you introduce a new veg, just give a little chunk, not a whole carrot or slice of pepper, floret or chunk of broccoli stem etc.! This will also help in case the new veg is causing a tummy upset. You can also try French beans and 1 in strips of spring greens; they can both be part of a daily diet if you give one of each. ;)

Guinea pigs have evolved to live on nutritionally rather poor grasslands, so they need to eat lots and process lots. Heaps of poos are a very good sign that the digestion is working well! ;)
Thanks so much, I felt all happy knowing the cage was lovely and clean and I came home and saw that lol, about three hours had passed. I'll reduce the pellet and veg as I do give them three or four bits each. They eat it all though lol.
They have evolved to survive on a diet of basically nothing, so need comparitively huge volumes to extract the tiny amount of nutrients (hay) and so the resulting waste means lots of poo picking. At least it is fairly inoffensive poo, thank goodness it isn't like dogs do!
A normal amount of poo :) Piggies are very proud of their output :))
Thanks everyone, I will continue with my daily poo picking, definitely changing to fleece! Yes my two dogs are far more offensive. I'm a student nurse to so the piggies poo is quite a treat lol.
:D I am guessing that your two piggies are still quite young, as those poops look very small. Just you wait until they get bigger, then you'll see some poops! That's the trouble with loose bedding; you can't poo pick in it. You have to throw out the whole lot - unless you are lucky and your piggies poop in one place.
That amount is what archie can produce in 10 minutes
My pigs poo more than that. When I pick up their houses to clean up every evening and every morning mountains of poo appear :D
My elderly piggy fudge eats the most of all my piggies and as a result, poos the most too! She can produce that herself in half an hour.. And they are like 3 times the size!
I love the way they just walk and round and it plops out behind them they don't bat a eyelid about it . Funny little things :)
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