Am I Doing It Right?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 11, 2014
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hi i am new pround new owner of 2 boars.. i have never owned piggies before so all is new to me... i brought my 2 fellas home on friday and have been taking it slow... today i decided to get them out their hutch and take them into the house i placed them in my lap in a towel at 1st they was very still but after 10mins they was eating carrot from my hand and within 20 mins they was both exploring the sofa mumbling away to themselves the only time i go a few high pitched squeals was when they lostsight of each other i let them explore for about 15mins before i took them back to their hutch..... is this the correct way to be going about things with them and does their actions and behaviour sound like they were happy any advice would be much aprieciated thanks in advance
Sounds good so far, remember to keep short lap time going a few times a day, to help bond. Grooming works to bond owners with their piggies too.
I will be looking forward to photos!
hi i am new pround new owner of 2 boars.. i have never owned piggies before so all is new to me... i brought my 2 fellas home on friday and have been taking it slow... today i decided to get them out their hutch and take them into the house i placed them in my lap in a towel at 1st they was very still but after 10mins they was eating carrot from my hand and within 20 mins they was both exploring the sofa mumbling away to themselves the only time i go a few high pitched squeals was when they lostsight of each other i let them explore for about 15mins before i took them back to their hutch..... is this the correct way to be going about things with them and does their actions and behaviour sound like they were happy any advice would be much aprieciated thanks in advance
thanks so much for getting back to me last thing i want to do is upset or stress them out x
Hi and welcome this is a fab helpful forum full of great tips and friendly people just start a tread if your unsure about anything or read threads to find more out. I read lots of tip and info on here it's been a huge help to me and my three boars. What are you feeding them? There is a safe veg guide on here or you can google it too I downloaded it and I use it when I go shopping to check if they can eat the veg I'm thinking of buying :) Is there anything else your unsure about?
Hi and welcome this is a fab helpful forum full of great tips and friendly people just start a tread if your unsure about anything or read threads to find more out. I read lots of tip and info on here it's been a huge help to me and my three boars. What are you feeding them? There is a safe veg guide on here or you can google it too I downloaded it and I use it when I go shopping to check if they can eat the veg I'm thinking of buying :) Is there anything else your unsure about?
i feed them on pellets and fresh veg and greens i try to give them something different each day for example if they have apples and pears one day the next i will give them carrots and celery i also fill a toilet roll tube up each day with grass and dandilion leaves just for a added little extra and a little fun for them... what veg do u find best for vit C x
Sounds great, do you give them hay? Also fruit is more a treat thing have a look at the safe food guide for guinea pigs it will say what they can eat and how often eg carrots can not be fed often because they contain a high amount of vit A they can not eat iceberg lettuce but Cos lettuce is fine. Some veg can make them poorly and cause an upset tummy etc
Sounds great, do you give them hay? Also fruit is more a treat thing have a look at the safe food guide for guinea pigs it will say what they can eat and how often eg carrots can not be fed often because they contain a high amount of vit A they can not eat iceberg lettuce but Cos lettuce is fine. Some veg can make them poorly and cause an upset tummy etc
yes they always have a constant supply of hay... i am glad u told me that about the carrots because i wasnt aware of that i will have a look on here in the morning for a list of food and make a shopping list i sware they get better fed than the husband lol
Mine love the bag of 'spring greens' you can buy from sainsbury's , parsley, cos lettuce, kale, cucumber, tomatoes, spinach , grass, raspberry leaves , celery , coriander , mint, apple, melon to name but a few things :)
yes they always have a constant supply of hay... i am glad you told me that about the carrots because i wasnt aware of that i will have a look on here in the morning for a list of food and make a shopping list i sware they get better fed than the husband lol
Great news about the hay as it should be 70/80% of their diet :) It was just the same it's this forum that has given me the right advice and tips I will tag you in a few help threads I found useful (as I carnt work out how to add links sorry). Also this is a tip I found on here to line your hutch with stick on Lino squares from the pound shop I have found this to be a god send it makes cleaning a breeze (my boys live outside too)
Some of my boys favourite staple food that I switch between; cucumber, celery, romaine or gem lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower leaves, green beans, tomato, apple, strawberries :)
They also get some bell pepper, broccoli or parsley daily as these three are all high in vitamin C so I alternate between them.
It's fab that your piggies are already taking food from you whilst on your lap :tu: they are gorgeous :)
owww will have to go for a trip to sainsbury at some point... and the lino squares what a fantastic idea i have just ordered some astro turf for the bottom of my hutch as i have a two tear 1 and the bottom part is just on concrete i know you are oj to have piggies on concrete but to be honest it doesnt look nice as concrete old and flakey.. i have been looking all over the net for info and this forum has to be the best by far.... if u dont mind me asking i see you are from lincolnshire was just wondering where abouts because i am aswell x
Your pellets should have vit C added plus (i use excel now I did use pets at home) a good mix of different fresh veg is all they need I worried about Vit c to start with as it came up in lots of things I read about piggies but I soon found a good diet covers it so I give mine lots of different veggies and it's covered :)
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Some of my boys favourite staple food that I switch between; cucumber, celery, romaine or gem lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower leaves, green beans, tomato, apple, strawberries :)
They also get some bell pepper, broccoli or parsley daily as these three are all high in vitamin C so I alternate between them.
It's fab that your piggies are already taking food from you whilst on your lap :tu: they are gorgeous :)
thankyou so much i chose the ginger 1 weasly after Ron of course and i let my mother in law choose hogwart i dont think we could of got a better couple of piggies x
oh i will so glad i have found actual people to talk to its ok reading about it but actual feedback and advice is much better
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