Am I being mean?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
I've had Ernie (rescue pig) about a month now, and he's just started properly eating veg. I've had Babe for about 10 days. She's about 8 weeks old. They have a pigloo in their house normally but I've just started imposing a "no pigloo at teatime" rule because Babe will hide in there while Ernie eats the veg. I'm desperate to get her eating veg and I've found that while she has nowhere to hide she'll eat.

Is it mean to take the pigloo away at teatime? I don't want her to miss out on the veg because she's frightened.
I don't think you're mean, it shows you care that you want her to get her fill of veggies
I've been putting the pigloo back between mealtimes. I just don't want Ernie to get it all and Babe to miss out because she's a tad sensitive, bless her!
tbh, I do exactly the same thing, in the morning if the weathers rubbish I will take all houses out and get lots of grass and I then leave them to eat, to make sure ALL of them get something. Now I can leave the house in and they know not to go in and they all stay out and munch despite the house being there

Its not mean, its encouraging rolleyes
Thank you! I was just worried because I'm new to this and I know they need a hidey place. I didn't want to deprive her of being able to behave naturally. Once Babe gets as confident as Ernie I'll put the pigloo back permanently!
I don't think your mean, she's got to get used to coming out and you're only taking it away so she'll eat. Well done for being such a thoughtful owner! :)p
I do the same thing with Pumpkin. He's a bit shy and would only eat veggies when there's pigloo to hide in if I put the meal inside. So I take both pigloos out before meal time.
You are not mean, just wanting Babe to get the fill of vegetables that is needed for a piggy to grow healthy and strong. As you put the pigloo back when mealtime is over there isn't any problem with that.
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