Alternative Bedding

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Sep 24, 2011
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I read the posts on alternative bedding, however my inquiry was not discussed. I am wondering if anyone knows if 100% Polypropylene Non-Woven Fabric would be an acceptable bedding for Guinea Pigs. I use it for my Sugar Gliders and it works wonderfully. Also, does anyone know where I could purchase this material? Thank you!
Are they absorbent? Are your sugar gliders litter trained?
If it is absorbent, you can try with guinea pigs.
They are absorbent and help with the smell tremendously. No, my Gliders are not litter trained. I am looking for some type of material that will wick and also not hold odors as much as fleece does.
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How many layers of the Polypropylene fabrics do you use? Can they be machine washed? How do you keep them clean? How often to change them out? Now you've got me interested.
I use two layers of Polypropylene for my Sugar Gliders. The liners are machine washable, but may shrink slightly after several months use, so I make mine slightly larger (1 inch) than needed. I usually only have to change them out once a week.
I use cageliners

I find that fleece don't smell if you wash them a few times and use liner's as it dries the pee out (which stops it smelling)
I can't answer your questions but I recently started using fleece and I love it! I put newspaper underneath, then a towel layer with fleece on top. The wee soaks through into the towels and newspaper so the fleece stays dry and I haven't noticed it smell at all. My piggies love it too and really flop out on it so I can really recommend fleece :))
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