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Almost 2 year old Boar, really struggling with veggies!


New Born Pup
Nov 8, 2021
Reaction score
Hey everyone!

So I've had my Guinea pigs for a good amount of time now and feel like my knowledge and care for them is pretty good (most people say "you're Guinea pigs are so pampered!" but I know it's just because I look after them and care for them well and how I should which most people think is OTT!)

I've been noticing the last few months when I feed my adult pigs a cup of veg each, my girl Treacle is fine but my boy Truffle instantly gets an upset stomach.

I've noticed it's whenever he has green leafy veg, the only one he can cope with is Parsley and even then it has to be in small amounts.
I can help him get over it by not feeding him veg for a few days and that seems to work.

However, recently I bought a new piggie and bonded them (3 of them now). It went so well and they now live together but Truffle gorged on veggies during the introduction and he's now really poorly.
However, I'm going away in 5 days and my friend is popping in to look after them.
Is it OK for me to not feed any of them veggies for 4 days (incl my baby pig of 9 weeks old) whilst my friend looks after them because I feel so bad asking her to take truffle out every day and only feed treacle and Toffee then put truffle back when they're finished?

If anyone has any ways of helping truffle with his stomach issues I'd be super grateful?!
It really works for us to cut out his veg for a few days and give him really small amounts but with 3 piggies I really want them to have 'dinner' together as it helps with their bonding to eat together?!

Ahh huge Guinea pig parent dilemna! I just want to do what's best for all 3 of them!
If I have to feed them separately forever to make sure truffle doesn't eat too much then I will! But the difficult thing is when other people look after them, I feel its just too much to ask!

Thanks you guys!
You're always so helpful!

Also, P. S., I really am trying not to take them out the cage too much as I want them to fully get used to each other and so me having to take truffle out to eat is also difficult because everytime he goes back in they chase each other for a good 30 mins before they settle again!
Welcome to the forum

It'll be fine for them to not have veg while you are away.

Most importantly, it would be a good idea to have him checked by a vet.
Have you ever given probiotics/poop soup?

Otherwise, it might be an idea to try to handfeed the others their veggies (if they will handfeed) rather than removing him. You can find something you can handfeed to him - whether that is his pellet portion, dried forage leaves etc, just something so he isnt left out but also isnt getting too much veg
Welcome to the forum.
I agree with @Piggies&buns about a vet check.
I don’t know which vet you use but before we moved north I always went to Drove vets.
They we’re excellent with the guinea pigs - both my local surgery in Marlborough and the hospital on Croft Road.
Hope you can get your boy sorted quickly.
Welcome to the forum.
I agree with @Piggies&buns about a vet check.
I don’t know which vet you use but before we moved north I always went to Drove vets.
They we’re excellent with the guinea pigs - both my local surgery in Marlborough and the hospital on Croft Road.
Hope you can get your boy sorted quickly.
I've had a lot of issues with the hospital on Croft Road! Currently still in a complaints process after taking truffle there and being charged £40 for them to tell me that they don't know and I have to take him somewhere else. However no one else would see him because he's registered at the hospital 🙄 such a faff! I'll try get an appointment and see what they do.
I've had a lot of issues with the hospital on Croft Road! Currently still in a complaints process after taking truffle there and being charged £40 for them to tell me that they don't know and I have to take him somewhere else. However no one else would see him because he's registered at the hospital 🙄 such a faff! I'll try get an appointment and see what they do.
Sorry you had a bad experience with them.
Hope you can find good treatment for your piggy
Hello. I’m from Swindon too. And take my pets to Croft Vets. I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience with them. I have two boars and one of mine, Percy, keeps having soft poops and very small poops. I took him off veg and it would sort itself out but then start up again. I found that Pro C sprinkled on a bit of cucumber firmed up his poops in about three days. I give it to him twice a day. Maybe see if that helps. Is his weight ok? Is he squeaking when going to pee and poop? If it’s just soft poops definitely try the Pro C.