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Almond oil in Benazapril? Safe?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2019
Reaction score
Carbondale, Illinois
I ordered Benazapril for my Guinea through a compounding agency. I had it strawberry flavored. I was going to give her some this afternoon and noticed it says it contains almond oil?

Is that safe for her? I wouldn’t think they’d put something in the medication if it wasn’t safe for her but I’d rather be safe than sorry.
Also a side note*

Would anyone know if it would be okay to give all of her medications at once?

She is currently getting Vetmedin and Furosemide & now looking to add Benazapril.

I go visit my family somewhat frequently so my boyfriend has to give her the medicine. He works 12 hours shifts a few days out of the week and that’s the only way to give her the medicine.
Was this prescribed by a vet?

I don’t know anything about this medication but you can’t assume it is safe for a piggy just because it is in there.
Was this prescribed by a vet?

I don’t know anything about this medication but you can’t assume it is safe for a piggy just because it is in there.
Yes. Benazapril from my understanding does not come In a liquid form. So the vet sent a script in to a compounding pharmacy. I don’t assume things are safe for them as there are a lot of things that aren’t. I had assumed it would be okay since it was sent in from the vet but just wasn’t sure about the almond oil. My guess is it’s for the compounding process but I wanted to make sure.