New Born Pup
I have a 5 (nearly 6) year old guinea pig, she sometimes makes these crackling sounds coming from her nose (near or in summer). For this, i usually put her next to my humidifier, which only has water in it, and this usually stops the noise. I heard her cough today, but i'm pretty sure this is because she was gulping her water too fast. Other than this, her eyes and nose look normal, as well as her breathing (a little wheeze after trying to grab her in the cage) and I think a bit of wheezing comes with old age. I wanted to check as i'm quite paranoid and wondering if she could have a URI. These crackling noises have happened twice before, once a couple of months ago and one today. she is sitting with me with my humidifier right next to her and noises have eased. Should i be worried? Just to note, it is currently really hot where i am, temp is reaching 26 degrees during the day! Also there is no fresh hay around to start the allergies as I top up their hay every night. Thank you for reading