Allergic To Guinea Pigs


Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 6, 2018
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My mom is allergic to guinea pigs! We didn’t know until I got them about a month ago. She doesn’t live with me but she loves animals and wanted to enjoy them. She held one and broke out in hives, her eyes watered, nose was itchy, and sneezing a lot. Does anyone have any tips for allergies? Can she get used to them gradually? Luckily, my daughters and I didn’t inherit the allergy from her!
Oh dear that's not good! Not sure how to advise on that one! Your Mum has my sympathy!

I am allergic to perfumes and hyacinths and any strong smells similar and I also get severe hay fever in the summer. (Oddly the hay I get for the Piggies doesn't set it off). It gets so bad that my throat closes up, my eyes water and my nose starts to bleed. I am on permanent anti histamines just to keep it in check.
My mom is allergic to guinea pigs! We didn’t know until I got them about a month ago. She doesn’t live with me but she loves animals and wanted to enjoy them. She held one and broke out in hives, her eyes watered, nose was itchy, and sneezing a lot. Does anyone have any tips for allergies? Can she get used to them gradually? Luckily, my daughters and I didn’t inherit the allergy from her!

If your mom has such a strong reaction in both skin and airways, the best tip is to stay away from them and ideally not be in the same room. The allergen usually sits in the pee of the piggies, which gets sprayed allover the place, including the fur.
She can hopefully ease any acute symptoms with taking antihistaminesbefore a visit and avoid touching your guinea pigs with bare skin. If possible, I would recommend to interact in fresh air or at least in a different room and only for a short a while. Desensitizing is costly and not necessarily effective.
She may have to take antihistamines when she is around them and try not to touch, even if she wants to. One of the vets who used to be at our practice was allergic to guinea pigs and had to wear latex gloves for examinations- she also would break out in hives.