All three boars!

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Hey everyone!

Well... ive finally done it! All 3 of my boars, Wilson, Angus and the baby, are living TOGETHER!
Yesterday Wilson spent his day with the baby and there were no probs, no fighting just snuggling :) So I added Angus to the group...
at first Angus tried to hump the poor baby, so I took him out and tried again later... it worked so now theyre all living happily together :)

One question though - Angus and the baby both did this to Wilson, and Angus also did it to the baby just a few mins ago - He sort of raised their mouth with his mouth and sometimes it would cause a tiny jump or somthing but otherwise they just walk away ? what is this?

Here are some piccies :D




Oh.. and Cindy and Patchouli say Hi! :D


"Do I smell food!?"


"Make sure you get my good side!"

Aww I love seeing piggies in a family group. they all look so happy together. :smitten:
One question though - Angus and the baby both did this to Wilson, and Angus also did it to the baby just a few mins ago - He sort of raised their mouth with his mouth and sometimes it would cause a tiny jump or somthing but otherwise they just walk away ? what is this?
Dont have a clue whats going on there, but I'm sure somebody else will. :)
:D thanks! I'm so glad I dont have to have one of them seperate... Yesterday I had to have Angus in a big plastic tub because he ept chewing the bars and I was afraid he would hurt himself :(
it sounds like they arew arning each otehr who is boss ;) glad thay are getting on so far but watch them carefully :)
They mouth thing is sizing each other up. They do this and one will back down, normally the guinea that would not win if a fight breaks out. If neither of them backs down they will then probably fight. You probably find the baby backs down (runs or turns away). They look super together. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
:) thanks everyone!

I seperated Angus, while we were out to make sure no fighting happened... he was in a plastic tub...
When I came home I went into my room and saw a shaddow run across the back of the cage... it was ANGUS! He jumped out of his tub :o luckily I caught him but he sure is a quick one :D

I really want to get him a girlfriend and have pairs of 2 instead :D
If you put Angus with Wilson and the baby male and they get along fine you should leave them together. Keep taking Angus out and putting him back in is a risky game. :)
Yer... I dont know what to do... Angus guards the food and the baby didnt even go into the house when Angus was in there... so Angus is on his own but he is right next to a big mirror for some company ;D

Thanks! :)
oohh ive missed this post ive been off for a few days, they are gorgeous! patchouli what a sweet name! :smitten:
:D and the male is named poppy... so we have

Cindy & Patchouli

Wilson, Angus & Poppy

Angus has joined the herd again and will be staying there... ive also added an extra water bottle and food bowl so Angus cant guard them ;D
baby-wilson said:
Angus has joined the herd again and will be staying there... ive also added an extra water bottle and food bowl so Angus cant guard them

;D That's good. :smitten:
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