All mine!

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Jan 23, 2006
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Icey had her meds before tea time. Tea all chopped up (note its for about 3 days) and in a big bowl.

She jumps on top munching away!

It's all mine!




Got a problem? Huh?!

seriously if I dont get a cuddle from her there will be trouble,that piggy is so cute!
Puggies Rule♫ said:
seriously if I dont get a cuddle from her there will be trouble,that piggy is so cute!

aww, you will hun. For sure :) You'll have to catch her :D but yeah!
What lovely pics! That veggie bowl looks scrummy! :)
hahaha the last pigture and caption made me laugh!
awwwh what gorgeous piggies :smitten:
so you say that food is for 3 days - so do you put it in the firge now and just give it to the at meal times?
Hannah_lg said:
so you say that food is for 3 days - so do you put it in the firge now and just give it to the at meal times?

yeah. about 3 days-ish. Cucumber, melon and other 'moist' foods are separate :)

gingerpig said:
I don't chop their food up as tiny as that. Should I?

you don't need too. I think it just saves mine all fighting over say a carrot. Little bits, they take what they want and it's theirs :)
kellyandpiggies♥ said:
Hannah_lg said:
so you say that food is for 3 days - so do you put it in the firge now and just give it to the at meal times?

yeah. about 3 days-ish. Cucumber, melon and other 'moist' foods are separate :)

Oo I like the idea :P Maybe I will steal it...what do you mix...I can see sweetcorn, carrot and leafy stuff? :P or is it just basically all of the "dry" veg...
Great pics!
Can't show my piggies that whopping great bowl, they'll be packing their suitcases! ;D
Niki x
Kelly I think you need to do a piggy recipe book! That bowl of food looks lovely my piggies would love it!
Awwwwww Icey, you little minx i hope you didn't leave behind a 'calling card' ;D ;D ;D ;D

Gee i reckon i could eat all that, it looked scrumptious :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
gingerpig said:
I don't chop their food up as tiny as that. Should I?

i chop mine up small for all of mine but not my oldest 2 holly and meggie as there dont like theres chopping up like that i jsut make sure there have 2 of everything
Jane said:
Oo I like the idea :P Maybe I will steal it...what do you mix...I can see sweetcorn, carrot and leafy stuff? :P or is it just basically all of the "dry" veg...

In that bowl there was sweetcorn, cabbage greens, carrot, brocolli and beans :)

not all of the veg they have, depends what we get in :)

Glynis said:
Awwwwww Icey, you little minx i hope you didn't leave behind a 'calling card' ;D ;D

Not this time! ;D
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