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All Creatures Vet - Horsford, Norwich - Anyone Been?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 25, 2016
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK

Am getting my two piggies in the next couple of days and just wanted to check with my vets if they could deal with guinea pigs. Our vets, who are brilliant with our dog, were honest enough to tell me that although all their vets have had experience with small animals none of them were specifically trained to treat them and they recommended All Creatures in Horsford, Norwich. I notice it isn't on the Vet Locator on this site and was wondering if that was because there had been any bad experiences or just because they haven't been used before? Their website looks good and the fact that they were recommended by another vets sounds promising, but I was just wondering if anyone had ever used them? Or if there are any other Norfolk owners out there (I live near Dereham/Fakenham way) who could recommend a good guinea pig vet?

Thanks in advance!

Perhaps no one has used them, if they've been recommended then that's good.You could always make an appointment once you have your piggies and see what you think of them.
I'm not in Norfolk, I'm in Suffolk but I notice that there is a vet in Norwich actually listed on the locator. I don't know how a vet gets on the locator though, so there could well be good vets out there that haven't been "vetted" (do you see what I did there?) by the forum.
I used to live in Horsford and have a friend there who has used all creatures for her cockatiel and found them ok but expensive compared to other vets who could do the same treatment for the cockatiel. So thats not really helpful from a piggy point of view but it wouldn't hurt to ring them and talk about their experience with piggies.

I know past members from Norfolk on here have used Taverham vets and had no problems, they're a highly recommended surgery practise to begin with as well.

There is also a vet listed as having a specific interest in guinea pigs at Glaven Vets in Holt but I don't have any personal insight into the practice.

Hope this helps!
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