Alfie X

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Midlands, UK
Alfie made his way over rainbow bridge at the weekend, it was completely unexpected & I still can't quite believe I'm having to say goodbye :(.
It will be a year next month since I brought you & Joey home, you have left us too soon but I'm so glad I got that time with you!
I was told that Alfie was very skittish - and he was scared to start with, but he slowly started to trust me and with a little patience he ended up turning into such a brave boy!
Alfie loved rearranging the cage, chewing anything & everything and burrowing in piles of hay - but his favourite time of day was definitely nugget time!
You were such a little character and I know you'll have fun over the bridge Alfie-pig x

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You're going to be missed, beautiful boy.
Sleep tight & sweet dreams, Alfie x x x x x x
I am so sorry to read this. He was a stunning boy and you must have built such a great bond together gaining his trust, taken far to soon, Huge hugs to you at this sad time x

Sleep well little one

RIP Alfie
x x
I am so sorry that you didn't have longer with him; he was a handsome boy with a lovely piggy smile!

RIP Alfie - forever in your heart!
RIP little fella, taken far to soon but very deeply loved before you left to popcorn free over the rainbow bridge. Sleep well handsome Alfie x x
Beautiful tribute Katie hugs hun x
Thank you everyone for your kindness x x x
just want to say a special thanks to @MycuteBoys too, she has been so supportive this week making sure that me and Joey are okay - thank you so much Kell, you're such a great friend! x x x
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