Alfalfa King Timothy Hay


New Born Pup
Jul 2, 2021
Reaction score
Hi my cavies love
Alfalfa King Timothy Hay bit I am currently at a loss as where to purchase it. I'm in the uk and everywhere is sold out and my boys are really missing there treat can anyone point me in the direction to some if possible I have tried two alternatives and they just ignore it but with the alfalfa king they love it
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Have you checked your local pet shop and Amazon?
I've found my Ebay supplier has no more, the listing has gone. Only place with stock and more arriving in August (I emailed them) is pets at home. Hth 😁
I'm having the same problem. I have bought some Burgess Excel Long Stem Feeding Hay but they don't like it as much as the Alfalfa King Timothy Hay. If i find it online i will pop a link here for you.
We've had trouble getting timothy hay as well for some reason. We usually get Oxbow, but the last two bags have been Alfalfa King as the Oxbow stuff is sold out everywhere in Australia 🤔 The piggies love the Alfalfa King though, and it turns out to be cheaper, so we may be permanently switching 🥰
Mine used to enjoy the Alfalfa King hay, but I switched them to the Hay box (50/50 mix) so they get meadow hay and timothy - they love it even more.
You don't need to subscribe, but it may be somewhere to get Timothy hay in the mean time. They are pretty quick on delivery at the moment too. I ordered mine yesterday and it's arriving tomorrow morning.