Aha! Artemis is disabled!

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When I first got my Asian Ball-Jointed Doll Artemis, he couldn't hold his legs straight, let alone stand. This seems to be a common trait in Dolkot bodies.. The thing is, I'm terrible at stringing, and didn't want to spend loads of money on shipping to get someone to string, suede and wire him for me..

So I've always considered poor Artemo to be disabled, as he can't stand at all.. So I've been wanting to get him a wheelchair. Which I am now working on - I won't stop until I snag one. XD I'm bidding on one that should be the right size for him om eBay at the moment.

In the meantime, I have decide to remove half of one of his legs. I removed his foot and the bottom half of his leg, then held the stringing in place with a piece of wood cut to size - his leg was then padded with cotton, creating a "stump" shape. I then wrapped it all in medical tape, and may later add some bandage.

Unfortunately my sister has my camera at the moment though, so I've only got really crappy webcam pictures for the moment.





So that you know how he looks without the crappy quality -


Maybe we are interested - just a little freaked out ;D ;) Sounds pretty cool actually..hope the wheelchair fits him :D ::)
Jane said:
Maybe we are interested - just a little freaked out ;D ;) Sounds pretty cool actually..hope the wheelchair fits him :D ::)

XD I thought that might be the case.

katiep said:
he has a very sad, expressive face..

He does! I usually call him 'Artemo' because he's so very melancholy.

I've just ordered a miniature violin for him. C: (And a miniature harp for his adopted little sister.)

I guess none of my dolls look very.. Happy? XD



xD Yukiko is actually for sale at the moment. I had her face-up customly made, from designs I made.. And it's gorgeous, but I just haven't "bonded" with her like I have with Maaya and Artemis.

What's creepy is the fact that I am taking part in a slightly experimental thing.. A Korean ABJD artist, Denny, is making custom one-off limited heads at a promotional price to any design they like. They're called 'Minimee' because the idea is that you have a doll head that looks like you.

...In about 25 days, I should get photos on how it looks so far before they send the heads to me. X3 I'm really excited, but worried that a doll looking like me will be overly disturbing.
Wow! its different anyway! I quite like the idea of a doll that looks like yourself..
I used to live in japan and brought some of their dolls back as presents, but they are not as cute as yours.
Oooh. I like traditional Japanese dolls, and their version of Barbie is awesome. XD

The first ABJD company was Japanese, Volks. C:
Since getting ABJDs, I've pretty much lost touch with other sorts of dolls. Once you've had a big, overly expensive hunk of resin there's no going back!

Although I am absolutely terrified of porcelain dolls. D:
They look wicked! i collect the porcelin dolls. i think their eyes might creep me out if they where in my room! but they are cool
o_o;; I haven't.

I think the only doll-related horror I've seen is the Korean movie, Doll Master.. Which has BJDs in it. ;D

Oh, and I saw a more indie-seeming doll movie a couple of years ago.. Which I could remember what it was called. About a woman with a doll she kept in a glass case.
oh i missed this post! you know i'd be interested :P All your bjd's are gorgeous! just soo expensive lol. I have so many accessories and little things for blythe & pullip... don't have a wheelchair though! My vintage blythe hasn't got any legs attached at the moment, i need to be brave and fix it!

This is my latest buy.... i <3 her hehe


I can't watch dolly horror films... not with all those eyes that are already watching me lol
Clover_kins said:
I can't watch dolly horror films... not with all those eyes that are already watching me lol

especially coz you've got one living in your house ;D
Clover_kins said:
oh i missed this post! you know i'd be interested :P All your bjd's are gorgeous! just soo expensive lol. I have so many accessories and little things for blythe & pullip... don't have a wheelchair though! My vintage blythe hasn't got any legs attached at the moment, i need to be brave and fix it!

This is my latest buy.... i <3 her hehe


I can't watch dolly horror films... not with all those eyes that are already watching me lol


I reallyreally want to get the Shinku Pullip http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/InStock-Pulli...ryZ36549QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem

But I think my Mother would kill me if I did. XD As soon as I get a job - she's mine.

There was also a shirololi-style Pullip that I can't remember the name of now. o_O But she's gorgeous.
Yup, he's my girly-boy. C:

Now I just get to wait for an exciting package to arrive. X3 I can't wait to photograph him in it.
Here are some clearer photos of his "mod job" from this afternoon/evening's photoshoot in the garden -




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