Agressive Boar

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Poppy is an agressive piggy. I thought he might just be going through 'piggy puberty' or somthing but he is almost a year old. (in May I think)
He fights with Wilson and Basil. He cant be paired unless he is neutered which I am not willing to do to him. I cant bear to lose him.

Please help me, I have tried everything. When Peter goes he will be lonley. Basil is also very lonley, he jst stares out his cage all depressed all day. (yes, he is living with the rabbit, she is very old and couldnt physicly hurt him. they get along really well)

I need some advise for bonding Basil and Poppy together. Basil is about 1.5-2 years old.
I read on here that to calm a brand new piggy you can put rescue remedy on their ears. Could I try this for bonding the pair?

Any suggestions welcome :)
Hi sweetie :smitten:

i read this and thought Wilson with Cindy? can't be.... LOL ahhh the young boar Poppy ::) ::) ::)

have you tried the neutral area and bathing trick?? and yes i've heard the rescue remedy trick you can buy it from the health stores here easily also O0

Sweetie i totally understand why you wont have him neutered (hugs again love) hopefully somebody else might have another trick up there sleeve for you O0

Have to have another chat soon, catch you,
loves to you all :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Thanks Glynis :)

Yeap ive tried the neautral area thing and the bath but neither seem to work.
Ive bought them all in today because of the heat and have Peter on her one, the two lovers together and Poppy and Basil together under a very watchful eye.

everytime they go mouth to mouth and show their big teeth off I put somthing between them and they havent had a fight yet. I just dont know that I can trust them alone.

I put their cage directly next to wilson and cindys and Basil didnt even try to go for Cindy he was just sniffing poppy lol, but Poppy wants her so bad... eew! lol but as much as he rumbles and squeeks he cant ever be with her lol
Re: Agressive Boar:: UPDATE

never mind!

They cannot be together.
They have both had a MAJOR fight, not just a little nip. I couldnt split them up. I tried juggling the C+C frame that was around them. Then I could a small peice of card and flapped it around, wacking them lightly. That stopped them.

Poppy is really jittery and has a small cut on his lip and Basil is a bit jittery but no sign of cuts.

I was so scared... I even thought Poppy was so shocked he could have died but he seems fine now.
Ive put everyone else outside and Kept Poppy and peter in for a little while longer.

Thanks anyway but obviously bonding advise is of no use to me at the moment :-\ :-\
Oh love i'm sorry, sometimes this happens, just like our boys they just could not live together :( :(

Good luck love, i hope the way things are works out for you :smitten:
perhaps halving the cage so they can see eachother but not get to eachother to fight. or perhaps get this 3 teir cage everyone talks about which can be divided up. that way they will have company but not brawls. hope the piggies are alright after their fight. just a thought sorry i couldn't help. hugs and cuddles to your babies. :smitten:
Thanks choloe :)
my brother is going to build me a 2 storey cage which can be divided into 4 seperate cages. Dont know when he will get around to it though lol.

Mum has suggested that I think of neutering Basil and getting him a girl. I would NOT risk Poppy because there is a huge connection between us. As long as I can get the vet to glue inside and stitch outside then I will think about it. And I would only do it when I have enough energy to watch him all night and all day to make sure we dont have anymore fatal problems... :-\

I'm am upset after what happened to Angus, I dont want that happening again...

So yeah... I'm trying to find ways around it :)
awwwwwwwwwwwww sweetie i know.... :( :( :( :( :(
Have you been able to find another vet?

Sweet talk your bro >:D you really need that new cage O0

btw choloe is another aussie :smitten: from South Australia so she lives in between us :D :D :D :D :D 3 members all in the south O0
lol, well we found a new cage, especially for the boys. it is an old bird cage that can be parted down the bottom.
its quite large, will post piccies another time.

They really like it. But I need to organise a way for Peter, Wilson and Cindy to be in the whole cage without Peter being able to go down the stairs ::) lol

Lots of Aussies on here now lol its great! :)
Oh, forgot... no we havent found a new vet. I would only go through with it if she did it the way I want (double stitching) lol, being dpouble sure... :P
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