Agoraphobic Piggy?

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Aug 19, 2010
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Gloucester, UK
I have finally got my summer hutch and I am letting the boys out in it on a rota basis (depending on the weather).

So far Beau (now also known as Beau-dacious (lol) and Biscuit have been in - Cadbury and Fudge have been in and refused to come back out (took two of us to get them back in for the night)...neither pairs have worked out how to use the ramp, although Fudge thinks it is rather tasty lol, but Snickers just sits in the run shivering and waiting for me to pick him up and bring him back in.

I thought it was just because it was something new and because he hadn't been outside before and he used to love playtime before we moved when we would give them free run of the living room, so I have tried him a few times...even free range time on the patio with some tunnels and things but he just won't have it - just sits looking pathetic until I take pity on him. He even now when I put him down for playtime in the lounge will just sit near my feet and do nothing.

Do I keep trying or just accept that I have a piggie that prefers to be either in his cage or under my chin?
Some piggies don't like open spaces. Have you tried draping a beach towel over part of the run and see how that works?
Sounds like my piggie Millie, she wasn't very happy being outside either as she was used to indoor playtime and used to just sit under her pigloo. Me and my oh found that she was happier to move between hiding holes and start to run around when she could hear one if us, Millie loves it when she can hide in different boxes and cosies yet still beable to get at the grass
It seems to have done her a world of good moving the girls hutch into the garage out of the house, maybe the noise of outside is scary for him, but in time he might get used to being outside xx
I hope so - the summer hutch gives them so much more space to run round in and the other boys have taken to it so well...just not Snickers, but even when we get him out for floor time now he just sits by my feet and waits for someone to put him back in his cage.
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