Aggressive mother guineapig


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2023
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Hey good fellas. Hope you're doing well. So the thing is my female guineapig gave birth on 1st January to 2 beautiful babies . Both mom and babies were healthy . But unfortunately one of the baby died . And after that I'm noticing that mother guineapig is being aggressive to the other baby and she's not letting her drink milk . She is also loudly screaming at the baby . And her behaviour towards us and my male guineapig is fine. She is eating and playing well . Now what can I do guys ? Please help me .
First, please can you confirm that the male guinea pig (if not neutered) is not in the same cage with the female piggy and her baby.
If he is still in the cage with her, then you will need to separate him immediately and prepare for they fact that the mother is likely already pregnant again.
Please do not leave him in the cage any longer as he will also get his daughter pregnant within the next two weeks. Baby sows have their first season between 4 and 6 weeks of age. She is now 4 weeks old so is at risk of becoming pregnant herself.

Is the baby definitely female? You do say ‘her‘ but just want to check that you have actually sexed the baby

If the baby is female, then she can stay in with her mother (the male/father piggy must not be in the cage with them). Given the baby’s age, the mother is probably in the process of weaning her. She is not being aggressive. Baby does not need milk any more and mother is doing the right thing by stopping her from drinking. A mother considers their baby weaned at around 4 weeks of age.
She is also teaching her baby about dominance and the social hierarchy. This isn’t aggression.

Have you been weighing the baby? Is she a good weight?
Hey good fellas. Hope you're doing well. So the thing is my female guineapig gave birth on 1st January to 2 beautiful babies . Both mom and babies were healthy . But unfortunately one of the baby died . And after that I'm noticing that mother guineapig is being aggressive to the other baby and she's not letting her drink milk . She is also loudly screaming at the baby . And her behaviour towards us and my male guineapig is fine. She is eating and playing well . Now what can I do guys ? Please help me .


Your mother is running out of milk now and is in the latter stages of the weaning process. This is notrmal behaviour for this stage.

Please check the gender of the baby asap. As a sow, they can stay on with the mother and as a boy you will have to separate him with his dad (who I assume is not neutered?) ASAP.
Here is our sexing guide with plenty of comparison pictures: Illustrated Sexing Guide
The baby boar separation rules: Sexing & separating-baby-boars-and-rehoming-babies

If he has been in with with his wife and babies all the time, your mum is highly likely already pregnant again. Sows come into season within hours of giving birth and then roughly every two weeks after that. Please be aware that back-to-back pregnancies really take it out of sows and that the birthing risks get even bigger. If you leave all piggies together, you will soon have a major problem with multiplying numbers since baby boys can start impregnating sows from 3 weeks onward and sows have their first season from 4 weeks onward. :(
Here is our dad/sons advice in order to prevent any further pregnancies. Please accept that we are a strictly non-breeding forum and any advice and support is only given to that purpose: What-to-do-with-a-dad-your-short-and-long-term-options