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Feb 28, 2012
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We have just adopted a 6 month piggie from PAH, it said on the adoption sheet that he had to live alone as he was fighting with another piggie.We have only had him home 24 hours and he seems anything but aggressive, i don't know the situation last time rounf but wondered if it was worth trying to bond him with another piggie?
YES, yes and double yes - pet at homes adoption center is normally pet at home rejects who are returned because they fallout with there friends during adolescence, it doesn't mean they can't be friends with anyone you just need to find the right friend.

Your best idea is contacting a rescue and asking about boar dating, some rescues provide this service where they match up lone boars or a more drastic option you could have him neutered I would only consider this as a last resort due to the risk's of complications etc..
Please do not listen to pets at home. They seem to say this about all boars which is so stupid. The best thing you can do for Angus is to take him boar dating. That way he can choose his own friend. Rescues do this and it is such a good idea as he will choose a piggy he likes and you are giving an unwanted piggy a loving home.
That's what i thought, thank you! I'll give him a few weeks to settle in then let him start 'dating' :)
maybe we can help? he sounds just like rocky one of our boars on his certificate he was called Mr Bossy (stupid name) and that any owner had to promise to keep him separate he was 6 months when we had him he is now 2 as gentle as they come and bonded with a young 8months old boar :) he's as 'aggressive' as a potato. talk to a rescue see if they can arrange boar dating
maybe we can help? he sounds just like rocky one of our boars on his certificate he was called Mr Bossy (stupid name) and that any owner had to promise to keep him separate he was 6 months when we had him he is now 2 as gentle as they come and bonded with a young 8months old boar :) he's as 'aggressive' as a potato. talk to a rescue see if they can arrange boar dating

That's what i can't understand, he doesn't seem agressive, bonkers maybe, he just zooms round and popcorns, is happy to be handled and comes running when you talk to him. Will definatley look at dating.
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