aggression in one of my sows!

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Sarah McGarry

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone, hope you are all well! I'm having a bit of a problem at the moment with my herd. I have 8 in my group at the moment all sows with one boar. The problem is one of the sows is being really aggressive! There was 9 in the group but i can in one day and found that pheobe had a big cut behind her neck. So she has been moved as i dont know who did it although she is happily paried with my other small group of four now and doing well. This morning i went in and my boar barley has a cut on his back too! It is mych smaller than pheobes though. I was shocked that a female would do this to a boar! I think i know which one it is but cannot be sure. When I'm around they seem fine. Please help! ! X xx
Hi, are you sure they are bite wounds? I just ask because mites can cause a piggy to scratch and scratch until it looks like a wound.

Unfortunately, piggies can just 'fall out' and yes, a sow can still do damage to another pig including a boar if she wants to.

If it is out of character for your sow to be aggressive, there may be a medical reason behind so I would have her looked at. Something simp,e could quite easily cause a piggy to turn if they are feeling unwell xx
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