Afternoon Nap!

Oh my word, your crested tricolour looks like he should be with my boys. I had to check the cage to make sure you hadn't piggy-napped one of them! Lovely piggies
I would have posted one of Oliver lying asleep but he chose to lie down where his tribe had all been pooing in the hay pile! He still looked so handsome though!
ps. Thats one handsome piggy you have there! May be a queue to pignap him!
I would have posted one of Oliver lying asleep but he chose to lie down where his tribe had all been pooing in the hay pile! He still looked so handsome though!
ps. Thats one handsome piggy you have there! May be a queue to pignap him!
I first in the queue! Piggy napping jacket on I'm just making sure the torch works! Its not too far from Southampton to Derby is it? :hmm::bal::dri:
Awwww they look so content and happy!