After the death of their cagemate

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Mar 12, 2008
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Near Bridgend, south wales
My Iris has passed away today leaving Greta on her own.
When bringing her home for the very short time she stayed, Iris stayed in their little house. Greta was petrified of her. Now Iris is gone she seems too wary of the house and just stays in the pigloo I put in there for when Iris came home.
I just went to feed her and put the bowl on the top of the house as usual but Greta was very wary of it. Its as if she was waiting for Iris to come out of the house and tuck in first as she used to.

What can I expect in these next few days? Is it just a case for her forgetting Iris and realising she isnt coming back?
I am possibly, depending on how much university work I get done, taking Greta to the rescue to be bonded with another piggie. Failing that It'll be 3 weeks until I can take her as its my 3rd year and I have a massive deadline. Will she be okay?
It just depends on the pig honey.
Some pigs are incredibly bonded and following the death of their friend, they won't eat or drink. Others will just seem sad, and some won't bother at all. Wait and see and keep a close eye. Hugs to you both xx
I followed your thread about Iris and was very sad to see the unhappy ending. My thoughts are with you & Greta.

I went through this recently - my Fritz died and left behind his daughter - Donut (aged 3). Her personality changed completely and she became scared of everything. She stopped making any noise and spent all her time in a cardboard box in the cage. She would not go in the house either. I was very concerned. Basically though - i just kept an eye on her eating - and let her do what she wanted. I let her stay in the box, i gave her her favourite veg and i just made sure i spoke to her everytime i walked past

If Greta is happier in the igloo for the time being i should just leave her in there. Maybe put her some food in there or near there, so she can eat without having to come out to far. She just needs to take a while to get used to the change. The most important thing is that she keeps eating & drinking.

Donut was alone for about 3 weeks before i got her a buddy ... but during those 3 weeks she did gradually get happier. Now she has 2 other friends to chat to (not yet in her cage) and is pretty much back to her old self.

Take care
Rach x
So sorry for your loss. When Molly died I decided not to get her a friend as she was approaching six years old and I didn't think she could handle a new friend. She was a little quiet for the first couple of days and then to be honest she didn't seem bothered at all over the loss of Molly who was a bossy boots and hogged the food bowl! As others have said alot depends on the pig, but if you give her lots of cuddles and she is eating and drinking I am sure she could wait until you have met your deadline. Good luck and keep us all informed on how it all goes xx
Hi Laura,

My girls didn't see Pearl when she passed over as we took her out when she was ill, but they were so upset over it they had very strange behaviour for a couple of days and did lose weight.

When we lost Elora on the other hand the girls seemed ok with it because they saw her maybe so could grieve in a natural way.

Can you take Greta to a rescue to pick a friend, she sounds a very timid piggy. Of course if your own time, and when Greta is adjusted to her new surroundings.

I would give her time if it were me and be guided by her. :)


Hi Laura

Give Greta time to grieve and just be with her, but accept it if she wants to be alone. How old is Greta? She may even be happier just on her own.

But if it makes you feel better, by all means, ring up rescues and see what is around and what arrangement you can make. Go for one that has the biggest selection of possible candidates, so you can try them out together in one afternoon visit. It has worked for me twice.
I can't tell you how many people laugh at me for saying this but animals do grieve too.
When our female guinea Misty lost her cage mate Chloe she was devastated. She was skittish anyway but she was with Chloe when she died but I don't honestly think it helped her much. She would just sit in the place where we found Chloe and just rumble and rumble and rumble. She didn't eat or drink for days. We eventually became so worried about her (since she was only 1 year old herself) we moved her into the house in a new cage. She is now a totally changed guinea. We never introduced her to another and maybe we should have but she isn't skitish anymore and is eating, drinking etc. Sometimes I wonder if she remembers Chloe at all. It just takes time for them. Give her encouragement, talk to her, cuddle her etc and try to coax her with a bit of food and given time she will come round.
Yeah ive been giving her cuddles and talking to her by her cage.
The reason I'm so worried is because I'm at uni all day and in the holidays I'm not around all the time but more than when I'm in uni. Shes completely on her own and she looks terribly bored and sad. Even if I did put her in her run etc for some fun she'd still be on her own. I want her to have someone to chat to and play with.
Shes come around a bit now. Shes not skittish anymore shes just eating and sleeping and staring at me, usually for food or when I'm singing lol.

I just think she would like a friend. Shes 5 now and I wouldnt like her old age days to be on her own bored.
I made the decition to get her a friend, either this weekend or at the end of the month. I just want her to be happy and be more like her old cheeky self.
Rung the lady at the rescue and i can take Greta there tomorrow to be paired up. I can leave her there and pick her up on sunday or whenever they seem bonded. I'm crossing my fingers she accepts a pig thats there at the moment. If not then i'll wait till she has more piggies in and try again.
Some of you might think its too soon but Greta looks so bored. She in the house from about 9.30 - 6 on her own these days as my deadline in uni is quickly approaching and I need to be in as much as possible.
Shes taken Iris's death well and I just want to see her back to her old crazy self.

Heres hopeing! :)
Good for you and Greta!

I am glad she has come out of deep mourning and is facing life again.

It's always good if there is a choice of candidates; one of them will hopefully be the one for Greta! She hopefully WILL be better off with a new friend. You can always tell when her fur goes shiny again, even if she's grumbling...

Keep us posted!

Best wishes!
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