After 2 Weeks A Review! And Any Advice Moving Forward.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 7, 2013
Reaction score
Las Vegas, nv
Snuggles and skittles look to be very happy in their new home i feed them timmothy hay everyday all day and alfalfa hay small amounts couple times through the week. Also Oxbow Essentials young guinea pig food a hand full in 2 bowls and 2 ox bow vitamin c tablets. Lettuce daily, carrots couple times, cilantro couple times. Any andvice on feeding is appreciated.

The cage first week i used dog training pads with aspen bedding that worked very good the 2nd week i used news paper and aspen and the paper is kicked up all over the place and the piggies are chewing on it but it looked like they were having fun playing in the paper so i left it. Bout to clean the cage again was just wondering if the news paper is bad for them? I think I'm going to use training pads but put some news paper in a corner.

Skittles will not go down to the bottom level where most of the space to exercise is at, when i put her on the 1st level she played like crazy but once she found her way back to the 2nd leve she hasnt been back down. Question is should i just put her on the bottom level more or just give her time? Snuggles be all over the cave seems like she tries to get skittles to follow her down but skittles turns around. Could it be my bad ramp? Hummm.

Thats my 2 week review any advice tips are appreciated! Thanks




I would redesign the ramp and make the angle shallower. Could you get a piece of plywood from a DIY store and have two holes bored in at one end to tie it to the frame? You can always use double sided tape to fix a cheap indoors mat or old bit of carpet to the ramp for ideal grip.

You do not need to give extra alfalfa hay, as the pellets you are feeding already accommodate the (small) extra needs.
Piggies and ramps are a recurring theme on the forum. Here is a link to some fabulous tips from another member @Critter
Piggies And Ramps and also photos from another member @PiggyOwner
Sometimes putting sides on the ramps helps or using a tunnel helps. Personally I have had some piggies who have never gone up or down a ramp despite all my efforts and modifications, and others who have taken to it like ducks to water.
I second that, as shallow as possible and if your piggies are nervous, then some nice high sides, perhaps a tunnel. Most piggies are happy with a gentle slope and naturally enjoy tunnels. My first pig was nervous of ramps and it did take her a while to 'get' the concept. Once she made that step there was never a ramp issue again.
You can also try leaving a trail of cilanto for her along the ramp :)
Thanks for the advice on the ramp i made a new ramp and allready skittles is running up and down but funnt thing is now snuggles hasnt went up yet lol.

I also added a litter box wit hay and water on 1st level. And a new chew log. Also used pine wood shavings on 2nd level cause i ran out of aspen.

I plan on feeding hay on both levels and veg, pellets, and vitamins in kitchen on 2nd level. My thinking is this bedding is expensive so i want to change out the kitchen and litter box weekly and spot clean daily and try to do the entire cage every 2 weeks.


I love the design of your cage, bless him on the ramp! lucky pigs :)
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