advise please regarding my guinea pig configuration

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire
Ok so I had two sows one is 2 and 1. Their previous mates died of old age (neutered boars). I tried bonding the girls with no luck. I have recently picked up a pair of 4 month old girls and successfully bonded them with the 2 year old so they are a 3. And I also have picked up a baby girl about 8 weeks old. And a boy at six months who I had to adopt as pets at home decided he had to be on his own without trying him with girls.

He is booked in for the snip tomorrow and then once the waiting period is over will be bonded with either the three girls or the one year old. Does anyone know which is most likely to work out? I was thinking of trying the baby girl with my one year old and if not putting her with my 3 and trying the boy but I think I'd like the boy to have a lot of girlie's lol so I fancy him with my three.
I have only ever bonded single girls with single neutered boys before except for my three which is why I was asking as I don't want my 3 falling out over him as he's beautiful lol
I think it is a matter of just trying and see how it goes. Personally, I would recommend to try finding a good companion for your single girl first. The trick is to end up with a character combination that works afterthe dominance phase is over. Most younger sows and neutered boars tend to accept each other, so you will hopefully not have any major problems. At least you have plenty of options to find the right mix! Sows are not falling out over a boy, as he doesn't intrude on the sow hierarchy; he's in a different category. Usually, once he's accpeted by the top sow, he'll be accepted without problems by the undersows.

PS: At six months old, your boy is in the midst of the big hormones, so things could get rather lively when he is ready to meet the girls after a 6 weeks post op wait. Neutered boars can lose the "ON" switch for their brain for a day or two once the testosterone takes over! :mal:
Thanks for this. I will definitely sort the one year old first. I may then review the situation. I think ill try her with the baby first and then if not ill review the situation and wait until my boy is all clear lol x Thanks for the info regarding hormonal boys in know them all too well lol. My first two boys were a pair who fell out due to hormones and were neutered at six months and put with two older girlie's from a rescue they got on well until their mates passed on. One had tumours and one had internal abscesses and both were put to sleep. I got two new girls which are the older ones now but sadly both boys passed away this year. I've not been able to replace them until now as they were the best ones ever lol. I miss my boys and can't wait until Rupert is integrated
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