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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2010
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I dont know if I'm just being paranoid but i thought id ask anyways .... Pippins decided shes the boss now and is giving Avril a hard time (she was previously head sow from what i could tell) now Avrils been really quiet. Do you think I should pair Pippin of with someone until she calms down or am I better moving Avril with someone so that she perks up a bit? OR do neither? thanks in advance x
Is Avril older than Pippin? Or are they litter mates?
If its the latter, being older and more mellow, also the more experienced.. When Fudge died, Treacle who is over half her age younger (2 and a half) became a lot quieter, but never gets bullied by Liquorice who succeeded Fudge as the boss when she passed on..
BonBon on the otherhand, although now 6 months old, really wants that job, and can be really aggressive towards Liquorice, who will not back down, and only this week, has managed to put the little white fur ball in her place..
The boys.. their stories pretty much the same.. Tickles, my huge Abyssinian male, passed away 18 months ago, leaving Crackers distraught, as they'd been best buddies, despite humping each other all the time... his personality has changed completely, and is reminded of who is boss nearly everyday by his companion, Biscuit, but neither is aggressive, its all just hyped up play, a bit one sided, as Crackers wont play ball ;)
Perhaps get another female, to pal up with Avril? Try and get a mellow one, who compliments her personality.. you might find that a sweet natured pal will help Avril become the piggie you know :) Perhaps a threesome? my girls seem to cope with that arrangement :)
I doubt anymore piggies is a good option I have 6 girls who live together... I'm not sure of avrils age but I do know she's older than pippin. I was meaning pair her off with another of the girls. Elf and ellie seem to be imdifferent and will get out the road of the cafuffle there's been no fighting that I've seen and no war wounds. All I hear is pippim rumbling then a squeak then avril appears. Polly lived with pippin previous so she chats back if pippin has a go and corrie always seems to be in her hidey. I'm beginning to think a group wasn't the best idea. I just don't know what to do for the best. X
Could you not split them into two groups of 3? Having 6 females, there must be another in the group who's personality matches Avril?
Corrie, sounds like a good match, maybe with Elf or Ellie?
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Oh I just saw this post, how are things going? If the girls are a bit unsettled you could always try a neautered boar in with them.
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