Advice Please

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 22, 2015
Reaction score
Harlow essex
I am looking at geting a guiena pig soon. I have done some research but would like to know if its best to get two off them together so they have company or will one be ok on there own? what pellet food do people recommend?. i know they have to have hay,grass,dadelions,fruiet and veg but some gerneral adivce would be very much apprecaited.
Hi and :wel:! :)
Guinea pigs are like horses and they need company so 1 piggy is a no no.:nod: I recommend science selective guinea pig food it is flavoured with dandelions and it is my piggys absolute favourite!

If you could add your location that would be helpful. If you are in the UK just put UK or your county.

I am looking at geting a guiena pig soon. I have done some research but would like to know if its best to get two off them together so they have company or will one be ok on there own? what pellet food do people recommend?. i know they have to have hay,grass,dadelions,fruiet and veg but some gerneral adivce would be very much apprecaited.
What do you mean by general advice? Hutches ...?:ple:
Hi and welcome!

it is great that you are doing your research first!

Please always make it two guinea pigs! They live in herds and are not wired to be on their own.

By far the safest place to guinea pigs from and be sure to have a good start without any unplanned surprises is one of our recommended rescues. We have got both a good standard piggy savvy rescue and vet locator on the top bar, but we may be able to give you links for other countries.

As to what guinea pigs need to eat:

And what kind of space they need:

It would also be good if you factored in vet cost right from the beginning, especially if you are a minor and reliant on your parents. Vet cost will make the biggest part of your expenses during the life of your guinea pigs and they never happen at a good time; this can become a major problem especially during an emergency or a serious illness/operation. You can quickly look at hundreds of pounds or dollars; but that goes for any pet you want to have.
You can either look at insurance or at saving up a weekly sum into an account.

As we have members from all over the world, we find it helpful if you please added your country, state or (for the UK) your county, so we can give always you advice and recommendations that are tailored for your part of the world, and what is available/possible for you straight away. Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location.
Hi and :wel:! :)
Guinea pigs are like horses and they need company so 1 piggy is a no no.:nod: I recommend science selective guinea pig food it is flavoured with dandelions and it is my piggys absolute favourite!

If you could add your location that would be helpful. If you are in the UK just put UK or your county.

What do you mean by general advice? Hutches ...?:ple:
yes hutches,toys,food ect and I'm in essex
Please be aware that you want to opt for hutches, that you need to be able to provide shelter in winter where guinea pigs should be well away from drafts, dampness and frosts and also protection from the sun, especially during heat waves - you do not want your piggies out in weather like we are currently experiencing, nor do you like to trudge out to feed and interact with them!

Could you please add your county to your details, so we can always see which county you are in and advise appropriately.

Can't say much more than what has been said.

Rescue's are your best bet at healthy, correctly sexed, well bonded pairs.

Also, as mentioned please include vet bills into your original funding, unfortunately people don't take this into account and their animals suffer. Vet treatment is expensive, so please consider ALL aspects of guinea pig care before you get your piggies.

They are better housed inside in a minimum cage of 120cm for a pair or a 2x4 c&c cage.
However more space is better.

Exercise is needed, so a run for floor time would be a good investment.

Personally I feel Grainless food is better, but everyone has a different opinion.

Diet should be 90% hay.

A rescue will help you with all necessary advice when you go to them, they are extremely helpful.

&& kudos for doing research first!
thank you i have added vet bills and all thats needed into by funding for them.would anyone know off any rescue places in or near harlow essex
C and c guinea pig cages :
2 x 4 is minimum for 2 piggys

I recommend oxbow botanical hay as feeding hay :

thank you i have added vet bills and all thats needed into by funding for them.would anyone know off any rescue places in or near harlow essex

Rescues are good places to get piggys your nearest is wood green heydon center :

just done it cqan you check if its come up please x
It has.:)
C and c guinea pig cages :
2 x 4 is minimum for 2 piggys

I recommend oxbow botanical hay as feeding hay :

Rescues are good places to get piggys your nearest is wood green heydon center :

It has.:)
I looked up it on the rescue locator the wood green is the nearest.
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