Advice please regarding young boars

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Advice please regarding young boars - U/D Pictures added

I have a 5 month old Peruvian boar (Max ), and a 3 month old Himalayan boar (Percy ). They have been together for 6 weeks now and live outside in a 5 foot by 3 foot hutch. In the daytime I put them in one of our runs, either 6 foot by 4 foot or 5 foot by 3 foot on the grass.

They don't really seem to be showing any signs of settling down yet, by that I mean that I often hear a purring noise, I think it is from Percy, then he runs after Max. Max turns and puts his nose in the air and Percy runs away jumping in the air.

Is this normal behaviour? I have checked them both over and cannot see any signs of injury and I haven't seen them fight at all.

Do you think that they will settle down together and if so at what age should they calm down?

Thank you for any help and advice.
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sounds like they are sorting out who is boss

The jumping in the air could be popcorning which shows they are happy :)
I agree, some boars do this a lot. I have 8 boars (in pairs) and they all get along but still rumble and occasionally chatter or chase!
I think it's just a dominance thing and they're trying to work out who is the boss of them both. My piggies occasionally chatter their teeth at eachother then chase them but they never fight and all is okay :)
funny boars

as the others have said it sounds like a dominence thing. as percy is 5 months he should be in puberty and hormones raging as for percy he may just be being cheeky. hoping they settle down soon. as long as they don't draw blood or two fluff balls turn into one i would just keep an eye on them. percy sounds like an adorable rascal! sending hugs :)p:)p:)p and many xoxoxoxoxoxo

This is Max...


and this is Percy...


Cheeky or what!

Thank you for your help folks - just wanted to check that this was normal behaviour. :)
They are gorgeous!

Yep, they will probably settle down soon, just make sure you keep an eye on them for any overtly aggressive behaviour. I've only ever had boars and am currently trying to re-bond two who fell out before they came to live with us - they are doing just what yours are doing, but because blood was drawn when they fell out, I never leave them unsupervised. If yours are just chasing with the odd bit of humping it sounds like other posters have said, trying to clarify who is boss.

Hope they sort themselves out soon!
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