Advice please on two young boars behaviour

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May 8, 2011
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My two are now 11 weeks old and as far as I know came from the same litter.

They get along well and snuggle together and share food, but tonight they started going mad in the hutch and chasing each other round and round.

I could hear squeaking and lots of guinea pig noise, no chatter but did hear a sneeze sound a few times.

Are they likely to be ok?

How soon will I know if they won't get on?

Bit worried...
Its fine, my boys do this a lot. They are just experimenting and deciding who will be boss pig. They might have little spats, nipping and humping. Only intervene when you think it's getting really nasty. But i doubt this will happen. I have 4 piggies, the older boys get on fine but went through all of that untill the dominant pig was established. My new boys are just young and are always chasing and huffing, yet they still cuddle up and are best friends. Dont worry it's all normal:)
Chasing is completely normal as is starting to see one becoming slightly more dominant of the pair. Keep an eye on them but only separate them if they fight and draw blood. My boys have a love/hate relationship and always have done. One is dominant and will rumble strut at the other, try to mount him and the other ignores him and doesn't seem at all bothered. But, take one away from the other (even to pick up for cuddling) and they call out for each other and are often found snuggled together. Good luck! X
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