advice please on trio

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hi all,
My trio have been together since they were three weeks old and I'm having a few problems. A few mths ago the youngest one Zeb was being bullied and was tiny so i had to take him out and feed him separately and reintroduced them slowly. Things were fine for a few mths but now Zeb has a real attitude. Hes turned into a bully and my two other boars are reacting to him very differently dougal stands up to him and in recent days they hav had a few nose offs. If it was just dougal and zeb in the cage i would be tempted to let them try and sort things out themselves unless they had an actual fight or blood was drawn but they scare the other boar dylan. Zebs attitude is defiantly affecting Dylan. Iv been watching very closely for a few days and its getting worse. Hes not attacking him or anything like that but dylans intimidated by him. Whenever dylan is at the hay rack or eating if zeb walks past he stops and runs away. Hes putting on weight but is defiantly scared of Zeb and he gets frightened when Zeb and dougal are being stroppy with each other. Iv tried putting in lots of igloos and food bowls but its not making any difference dylan doesnt want to be anywhere near zeb and you can tell zeb terrifies dylan. So what do i do? Iv thought about taking dylan out as dougal stands up to zeb but then am i going to have a fight on my hands between dougal and zeb? I also thought about taking zeb out and leaving dougal and dylan in who get on well together. Ideally i would like them to stay together but i dont think dylan is ever going to be happy with zeb. Any ideas?
Forgot to say iv also got to cosider when taking one out which is going to settle into another partenership best. I dont like boars living on there own if i can help it. I worried dylan is now going to be scared of all boars and that zeb is going to bully any boar he would be introduced to. Iv only just started introducing a laid back boar to a baby and think they would accept dylan to live with them. I wouildnt put zeb anywhere near them. But hten thats another trio and i could be in this situation again in a few mths as the baby boar is quite dominante
Its just a dominance thing and i think if they are gonna be like that then i would separate them as it could cause a massive fight and trips to the vets ? do they have lots of hidey houses etc to run in and out of ?
What behaviour exactly is it you're worried about? Things like mounting, rumbling and strutting are all normal. When you say nose-off do you mean the sort of "who can get their nose higher" game pigs play? Again this is a normal dominance thing and nothing to worry about.
Thats not what I'm worried about if it was just two doing that i would let them sort it out between them. Its that wheneva dylan is at a hay rack zeb will run over to him and scare him off from it. If dylan is in a igloo zeb will run over and chase him out of it. I watched yesterday and as soon as dylan was at a food bowl zeb would run over so dylan would run to the next bowl then zeb would follow and chase him away it went on like that for a while. Zeb doesnt actually do anything to dylan like he does to my other boar so i dont really understand why dylan is so scared off him. Dylan bit me today as i was putting him back in his hutch and he has never bitten before.
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