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Advice please - lump operation query


New Born Pup
Feb 14, 2022
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I took my 1 year old male piggie twiglet to the vet today as he has a lump on his back. It is not an abscess. It’s either tumour or a cyst, either way the vet estimated the cost of removal to be around £1000! He doesn’t appear to be in any pain and is eating and playing as normal. I also have a diabetic cat that has drained my finances. I discussed with the vet that he can confuse his life with this lump until he is unable to. I just wanted to know if anyone knows of a vet that can extract this lump for less than quoted? Or if there are any foods that can help? Thank you in advance for any advice. It’s been an emotional day!
I took my 1 year old male piggie twiglet to the vet today as he has a lump on his back. It is not an abscess. It’s either tumour or a cyst, either way the vet estimated the cost of removal to be around £1000! He doesn’t appear to be in any pain and is eating and playing as normal. I also have a diabetic cat that has drained my finances. I discussed with the vet that he can confuse his life with this lump until he is unable to. I just wanted to know if anyone knows of a vet that can extract this lump for less than quoted? Or if there are any foods that can help? Thank you in advance for any advice. It’s been an emotional day!


Lumps are not diet related but that is a rather eye-watering quote. It depends on the size, feel, potential malignity (in the case of a suspected tumor) and location of a location that go into any vet recommendations as to whether it can be kept under observation or not.
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Thank you for your reply. He went to the vet yesterday and as surgery isn’t an option I just have to keep an eye on him until it effects his quality of life. Apparently he may well live a normal happy life and he is perfectly happy right now. I’m just hoping it doesn’t grow too quickly. He has such a lovely little character and he really is part of the family.
I would get a second opinion, that sounds very expensive, vets often do a punch biopsy, (inserting a hollow needle to get a sample of the cells) and then send off for analysis, costs around £100 which would give you a good idea of what you are dealing with. My Ginger developed a large lump suddenly last year, we opted for removal it cost £397 It’s not returned. Hope you can find another vet who can advise you
The vet has sent samples off, it cost £180! I’m going to ring around a few local vets to see if I can get it removed for less. My diabetic cat with kidney disease is costing me more than I can afford already. I feel terrible that twiglet life may have to be cut short due to finance. I’ve had animals all my life and have never encountered so many obstacles all at once. I’m going to insure all of them moving forward. Thank you for your advice
That seems a huge amount of money for a lump removal. One of my boars had a lump removed last month, it cost £426. That was a the most expensive vet in this area!
That seems a lot for a lump removal.
I would check the recommended vets that are accessible to you and ask for a second opinion.
I sympathise with you in having everything happen at once.
Even when we save into a vet fund it only takes one serious issue to wipe it out.
Sorry that you’re coping with both Twiglet’s need as well as a sick cat.