Advice please - how to encourage guinea's to use a ramp!

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Mar 26, 2008
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I have a lovely split level hutch, and downstairs is where there is more space and most of my two piggies toys and things. however, they won't use the ramp! I can put them back in the hutch downstairs and they'l shoot up the ramp, but never come backl down again ? ?
any idead on how I can get them to use it? I've tried treats down the ramp (ignored completely). The ramp itself is flat but covered with a kind of gritty material for grip. Would they like it better if I put batons of wood across it, for more stability?
Are they new to using a ramp? Just curious because we bought a hutch with a run underneath for our 2 and they took a few weeks to get used to the ramp. They used it eventually though, I think it's just a case of them getting used to it - our girls were quite funny, they would look as if they were going to go down it but after putting their front feet on the ramp they reversed back up! They used it fine after though ;)
They've been in the hutch about 4-5 weeks now, but they are only babies, so maybe their confidence will grow naturally.. did your just decide to go for it one day?!
Is there anyway you can raise the ramp slightly to make it less steep? I use one of those bendy wooden tunnels to "extend" the ramp i.e. I bent it into a sort of "L" shape and placed it under the ramp to raise it slightly (imagine the "L" turned onto it's side if that makes sense!). Try adding some fresh food bribes up the ramp and hopefully they will get the idea. Good luck O0
I could try and make it a little less steep, I have one of those wooden tunnels too. I can't do it too much though as the ramp ends quite close to the end of the hutch! Thanks for the ideas. Hopefully one day... ;D
Try turning the bent tunnel round the other way Katie i.e. so that the ramp becomes almost "L" shaped at the bottom, whilst at the same time taking some of the steepness out of the ramp - I'm sure they'll crack it sooner or later! ;D
I see what you mean now ::)
Great idea, I'll try it tonight, thanks
Katiesb said:
They've been in the hutch about 4-5 weeks now, but they are only babies, so maybe their confidence will grow naturally.. did your just decide to go for it one day?!

No, ours thought about for weeks first - they kept looking down the ramp and running off for ages ;D
Our boys wont do the ramp either. Have tried bits of carrot on it and lots of encouragement but they don't want to know. They wait to be lifted up at night and down in the morning! ;D

I think they could do it really - they just like the extra cuddles and attention - me too so I'm not too worried ;)
Guineas are naturally very inquisitive little critters so I'm sure they'll be testing it out for themselves given time! O0
I've had this with my piggies but now my ramps have sides on them & either carpet or wooden strips across & the piggies bomb up and down them, I also put a cushion at the bottom to make it less steep for some of them :)
Caviesgalore said:
Is there anyway you can raise the ramp slightly to make it less steep? I use one of those bendy wooden tunnels to "extend" the ramp i.e. I bent it into a sort of "L" shape and placed it under the ramp to raise it slightly (imagine the "L" turned onto it's side if that makes sense!). Try adding some fresh food bribes up the ramp and hopefully they will get the idea. Good luck O0
What are these bendy tunnels and where do you get them? I'm having the same problem with 2 of my boys not using the ramp. It is quite steep and there is enough room to extend so I could try this.
I got my two new ones used to their ramp down to the bottom level, by separating the two of them, and putting one guienapig down the bottom of the ramp and leaving the other on the top level. Eventually after an hou or so they called to each other and the one in the bottom went to find the one upstairs. Then I swapped them over and put the other one downstairs. Each day I did this a few times, and also their main food was put downstairs so they could smell it and went looking for it ! It only tooka few days and now they zip up and down.
Not yet, but as they've been busy in their outdoor garden pen (and loving every minute) I haven't had chance to put them in their bottom bit of the hutch to test the new setup. definitely not tried it on their own yet though! Hoping to persuade them over the next few days. :D
Is the ramp open on one or both sides? In my experience they don't like this so it might be an idea to run a piece of wood up the sides to make them feel a bit less exposed. Unfortunately there are some pigs that will never use them no matter what you do - this is why I ditched the second level of my cage despite trying everything!
The ramp is close to the back wall, so kind of enclosed. Still happy to gp up it when I put them back in the bottom part of the hutch, but thats it! ;D
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