Advice Please For Boar Situation

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 12, 2015
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Hello :) I'm just looking for some advice please. I have 2 older boars that live seperate and also had two sows come to be a few weeks back.

Anyway, one of the girls had babies to two little boars. She never even looked pregnant. They're now 3 weeks old and still quite small.

I've seperated from Mom... but my question is, do I try to bond a baby to each of my boars? Or keep the brothers together and bond with an older one- so a trio? During play time, each of my boars are accepting them no problem and sharing hat etc :)

They're actually currently with Hazlenut, my oldest boar (as of today). I'm not sure what to do. I guess splitting these would mean none of mine are 'single' .... but they're also happy as a trio at the min- but they could fall out later.

I also need need names for these two little guys.. they're both PEW.

My other option is to find a home for them, but there's loads needing homes (hence getting my 2 girls) so if they can fit in with mine I dont mind xxxxx
Thank you x
Hello :) I'm just looking for some advice please. I have 2 older boars that live seperate and also had two sows come to be a few weeks back.

Anyway, one of the girls had babies to two little boars. She never even looked pregnant. They're now 3 weeks old and still quite small.

I've seperated from Mom... but my question is, do I try to bond a baby to each of my boars? Or keep the brothers together and bond with an older one- so a trio? During play time, each of my boars are accepting them no problem and sharing hat etc :)

They're actually currently with Hazlenut, my oldest boar (as of today). I'm not sure what to do. I guess splitting these would mean none of mine are 'single' .... but they're also happy as a trio at the min- but they could fall out later.

I also need need names for these two little guys.. they're both PEW.

My other option is to find a home for them, but there's loads needing homes (hence getting my 2 girls) so if they can fit in with mine I dont mind xxxxx
Thank you x

Older boars can make lovely uncle boars!

If your baby boys are below 200g then they can stay on with mum for another week for the full benefit of the milk. By four weeks, the milk is generally drying up.

As your two older boars not paired up, I would recommend to try one boy each per uncle boar and see how that goes. It is generally our experience that as soon as trios with mainly baby boars you are facing a separation at some point; but by then, the hormonal boys are a lot less easier to bond.
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

If you really run into problems during the teenage months, any young boar will be ready for neutering (as the onset of the big hormones signals the descent of the testicles) so you could consider having a problem boy neutered and living with mum and sisters after a 6 weeks safety wait (I have the daughter of an over 5 weeks post-op boar!) and provided that you have got access to a good guinea pig neutering vet or an exotics vets with lots of practice with small furries ops. Please be aware that you can have only one neutered "husboar" per sow group.

As to names - you could go for a snow/winter theme (snowball and icicle or frost and hoar for instance) or cloud names (nimbus, cumulus etc). Mistletoe and snowdrop are white nature things.

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Thank you, I shall do that. They do take it in turn of mourning each other, cuddling up and eating to mounting each other again. I've put one baby with one adult and am watching them as I type.
The babies are 'solid' but small, but mum was quite thin when I got her for a pregnant pggie. I think it'll be more beneficial for her to have them seperated xx
Thank you, I shall do that. They do take it in turn of mourning each other, cuddling up and eating to mounting each other again. I've put one baby with one adult and am watching them as I type.
The babies are 'solid' but small, but mum was quite thin when I got her for a pregnant pggie. I think it'll be more beneficial for her to have them seperated xx
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