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Advice Please: Could My Guinea Pig Have Hemorrhoids?

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New Born Pup
Dec 14, 2015
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One of our boars has something hanging from his anal area - looks bobbly like a brain - pale pinkish. It's near the two testicles which look normal. Doesn't seem to be bothering him and he appears normal other than this. I've not noticed it before. It's quite big, bigger than a grape for eg. Does anyone else have any experience of this? Should I go to the vet?
Difficult to say without a photo but sounds like you should head to the vets.

I believe guinea pigs can prolapse their bowel (where some of it comes out the wrong way) and if this is the case he needs a vet urgently as bowel can get damaged easily and cause massive problems... I would go ASAP if I was you, better safe than sorry...
@helen105281 have you heard of anything similar?
Thank you MerryPip shall I post a pic? I will book to see the vet later today
Really weird @MerryPip I have just gone to take a photo and it has gone. There was a poo coming out yesterday when I saw it. And I can see a poo there now not come out yet. Sorryt his is a bit revolting isn't it? Would you see a vet?
If you can without disturbing him too much and the clearer the better but vet ASAP is the best thing I think
we did take a pic last night , but this is on my son's phone which he has with him at school today
Really weird @MerryPip I have just gone to take a photo and it has gone. There was a poo coming out yesterday when I saw it. And I can see a poo there now not come out yet. Sorryt his is a bit revolting isn't it? Would you see a vet?
It might be as he strains to push a poo out that things change. I can't really tell otherwise. If you are at all concerned then vet (and a good one who is experienced with guinea pigs ideally) is always the best idea.... Try our vet locator for your recommended local vet as many vets don't see many guinea pigs and only have limited advice to offer...
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