advice on very stange behaviour please

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Jan 3, 2011
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hi, I'm new to the forum but hope that someone could shead some light on annie's very strange behaviour, on new years eve i had to take annie to the vet as she had been all puffed up and not herself the day before, the vet could find nothing really wrong but said she had a slight noise on her chest so gave me antibiotics for this. annie has picked up and is back to her normal self except for one strange thing, she is chasing emily around the cage with her head stuck up her bottom! she is also making little chirpping sounds when emily is in the house/bed bit and shes not!
i have on idea what to do! their not fighting and infact poor emily is putting up with annie very well but it cant be pleasent for her!

any idea's please?
Maybe she wants to erm, eat Emily's poops. This allows them to restore their gut flora after they have been ill. You might want to give her a probiotic.
We have 2 sisters Pitch & Putt, last year Pitch spent 48 hours chasing round Putt trying to sniff her bottom, luckily I was off work and seperated them every couple of hours to give Putt a rest and tried to distract Pitch with food etc.... All Pitch wanted to do was sniff Putt's bum non-stop!

Luckily for putt (and us) this behaviour stopped and hopefully will never happen again.

I put it down to her been in season or being overally hormonal, just keep your eye on her and make sure your other ppig gets some respite from the unwanted attention!
This happened to two of ours after they'd been on or when they were taking anti-biotics. AJB is correct, Amber was following Oscar round sniffing his bottom, she wanted to eat his poo's! It is a natural way for them to restore the balance in their tummies. We gave Amber pro-biotics in her syringe food, but it didn't stop her hounding the others for their poos! It will stop once she's feeling 100% again, it took about ten days until Amber stopped doing this. She was given 0.4ml of Baytril twice a day, which I think it quite a high dose.
I hope your girly follows ours and recovers completely very soon.
thank you for your replys, what sort of probiotic do i get please?
hot fox she is on baytrill too, 0.2ml twice a day.
I have bought some probiotic on-line called AviPro Plus and are just about to start using it tomorrow. Will let you know on this thread how we get on. Putt is also on 0.2ml Baytril twice a day for a a stubborn UTI.

Hopefully the sniffing will soon stop for you, Annie and Emily.
Our girls chase, sniff each other, purr and try to hump each other occasionally during their hormonal ups. We thought this was normal :) but it looks more like they are poking each other than sniffing? Maybe I'm wrong.
thanks for the replys guys, I'm pleased to say that now annie is better it has all stoped, thank fully :))
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