New Owner
Junior Guinea Pig
I've read a recent post about 2 females falling out after a year together. I would like to seek some advice as I have 2 boars doing the same. They have never been best friends but they seemed OK...however, tonight the less dominant one fought back. There was VB teeth chattering from both and chasing. One was almost jumping onto the other and looked like he was trying to bite the other....but there are no wounds. I've had no choice but to split them up. They then seem upset to be apart! I've basically left one in their indoor cage, on the floor, next to a run. The one in the cage is running around and sitting on top of a hide trying to look into run and the one in the run is biting the bars near the indoor cage. I didn't want to split them as didn't know if I could get them back together after but the way things were going I couldn't risk going to bed tonight and finding one injured in the morning. Has anyone any advice (I'm worried I haven't got the space to split them indefinitely as at present they are taking up all of my dinning room) - I feel quite desperate.....