Advice on rehoming and introduction

Mrs Mc

New Born Pup
Apr 15, 2020
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Hi, sadly I've just found one of my unuetered boys has died in his bed leaving me with one unuetered boy. What's the best option for rehoming with him please?
Also I have a large cage with two levels. Is it ok to separate the two floors with wire mesh so they can see each other but can't fight
And finally how long should I keep them apart?
Thank you for your advice.
Sorry to your loss.
The most important thing at this stage is to give your boy and yourself time to grieve. Don’t rush into finding him a new friend too soon.
The best way, when the time comes, is to take him boar dating at a rescue centre to be able to find him a suitable character compatible friend to ensure that any bonding is successful. However given the state of things with the Lockdowns, centres are not rehoming at present.
This guide will help you with information on how to Look after your piggy while he grieves. Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig

When the time comes, there is lots of information on this site and we can help further on how to do a bonding yourself if that is necessary if you can’t find a rescue centre to do the introductions for you.