Advice On Our Group

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
Oxford, UK

Just said good bye to our beautiful Juno. She was only 3 and a half but had a very hard to find growth (up near her liver) and by the time we got it diagnosed, we couldn't do much. I had her euthanised today as her liver and kidneys were starting to fail. By the way, I have found a super vet in Oxford who loves rodents - she was the third vet we saw and the one who finally found the growth. Very happy to pass her name on if anyone needs it.

We are now left with Juno's sister Attie and a neutered male (Mikey) that we introduced a year or so ago. They have seen the body so they know what is happening and they are snuggled up together. They are pretty strongly paired so I am confident they will be Ok.

I know that we will all need time to adjust, but in the longer term, I would like to add another piglet to the group. I kind of want to cheer myself up by thinking ahead. Obviously, it would have to be a sow but has any one any suggestions ? Would a younger one or an older one be better ? Attie was the under pig of the girls but that may well change.

:D Very sorry to hear of the loss of Juno. A younger sow would probably get on best with your remaining piggies. A younger one would not be seen as a threat to the existing hierarchy and should fit in pretty smoothly. There will probably be a bit of chasing and bullying while Attie makes it clear to the new one who is boss, but it will not last long.
Thank you - that is what I was thinking. I will get in touch with the rescue centres round here in a little while.
So sorry to hear about Juno. I agree, a young sow probably would be easier to slot in with the existing pair.

Much love to you and your guins at this time xx
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am with the others on going for a younger sow when you feel you are ready. Hugs to you and your guineas.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find a new addition to your group.
I've not dealt with trios before so don't have any useful advice, but just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. ((HUGS))!
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