I have just received the Skyline Maxi XXL from Zooplus for my two 3 year old boars who were up until now living in a 100cm and slightly narrower cage and needed more space - I've had them a couple of months now (rescue pigs) and once I started putting them out on the grass squabbles would break out in the smaller space once they came in for the night. I wanted to get a 140cm cage or a C&C but I live in a small house and just don't have the room In the daytime they both go outside and share a run on the grass with a shelter, but I'm worried they won't have enough space in the winter. I did try attaching two 100cm cages together by opening the side entrances and adding a bridge from one to the other and they liked this and seemed a lot happier but it just takes up too much room in my living room so not do-able as a long term solution. I feel like I am having to weigh up the pigs having enough space with what is workable for us as a family needing living space. Any advice anyone? Thanks!