advice on guinea pigs fighting

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Aug 11, 2011
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hi, i have 3 boars tibbles, snuffy and flake, all from the same litter and brought at the same time. we have always seen the usual dominance type behaviour but yesterday i noticed tibbles wouldnt go into the bedroom area and when he did try he ran straight back out again. we put them in the run and snuffy constantly harassed tibbles, both boys ent up on hind legs and where chattering at eachother and nipping eachother, occasionally snuffy would join in against tibbles, anyway we seperated tibbles and put him on his own and left them overnight, today we put them all together again in the run and at first things seemed fine but then it all started again but worse (seemed more aggressive) when i put them back snuffy and flake have little cuts on there ears and tibbles has one on his face.

have i done the right thing seperating them or have i intervened too soon?

(they are 3 months old, nothing has changed since getting them and there are no females)
Aw, sorry to hear your having problems. Its very rare a group of boars get along. It doesn't matter to them that they are brothers or the same age, it is rare to get a pair of boars to work let alone a group of 3, I would advise separeating permanently before someone gets hurt, if 2 get along fine great, leave them together and monitor them.

Perhaps look to get the single one a spayed female friend or have him nuetered and get him a girl friend.
My friend used to have a group of 6 boars and apart from little scraps they got on fine(other than a father and son they were non related, weren't together since babies, and females were kept next to them) they were in a large pen in her barn. I have 2 males together and they fight alot but it hasn't got to a point where I need to step in, I keep them in a hutch with two bedroom parts, and two of everything (food, water, toys). Fighting always looks worse than it is. I think unless there drawing blood often then just keep a eye on them. They fight less the bigger the hutch. It would help to get two or even three of everything. Sorry for long post, hope it helps!
HI, thank you both, i think i will leave them seperate just in case, the other 2 dont seam to like him much! i will probably think about pairing him with a spayed female.
Ok, hopefully there will be one in a rescue somewhere, i;m sue he will be very happy with a new wife to chase after he he. If you do though dont keep her close to the piared bours as this will make them fight if they can smell her.
I think your best option is another young boar to keep him company, but be very careful in your choice to make sure that their personalities will mesh. A spayed sow will be very very difficult to come by, and will also cause problems with the two who still get on.

another boar will give your single lad company, and also mean that their cages will be able to go next to each other once they've settled after the 'teenage' phase.
hi, would i be better off getting him neutered to bring in a sow? or how do i go about finding the right boar for him? sorry if my questions sound silly. have only had my guineas for about a month and just want to do the right thing.

thanks zoe
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