Advice On Bonding Needed Please

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New Born Pup
Feb 21, 2017
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We recently lost one of our guinea pigs and now we have a lonely boy.
I have contacted all the local rescue places around us in the West Midlands and they haven't got any single boars for re homing. So I don't know if to buy a younger boar from the pet shop and see how it goes. He is un-neutered and local vets won't neuter him. I'm really unsure on the best way to bond boars as my little man is 9months so could be a little hormonal. I have read the bonding guides on here and other sites but they all suggest different ways .
Any advice on what has been successful would be appreciated or any ideas of other options I could take as rescues at the moment seem unlikely
Many thanks
@Zoe85 I've only ever had boars and I still can't predict an outcome of a bond attempt. And I also understand your frustration at trying to find a single boar. It's very common for rescues to neuter their boars now, so they've usually paired up with a girl or two. Have you tried asking your local rescues which vet they use? Neutering has it's risks just like any surgery but if you were to use the same vet as a rescue then the risk would be greatly reduced.

Your other option is going further afield and trying rescues further away. They might be able to offer boar dating if the travel distance is too far for you to do a few times.

If I had to pair a 9 month old I would go for an older boar, more towards 3 years old. But, there aren't going to be many pet shops with pigs that old. So, if you have to buy then you need to prepare for worse case scenario, returning a pig or getting another one if the bond doesn't work,

When I bond pigs I give them as much space as possible, a whole room if I can. Also, the space needs to be neutral and not smelling of your 9month old. Give them 2 of everything so there's no need for them to fight over anything
I've only had just over 2 years of male bonding experience but I find that males under 18 months bond best with males over 2 years. Most males will also bond with baby boys too. With the latter I think it's because the older male sees no threat and the younger male sees the older boy as a father figure to protect him. By the time the younger boy gets to the hormonal stage they will have become best buddies x
I'm in the same situation at the moment with my Chester, I'm in the
West Midlands too and my vet will neuter if needed - but at the moment I'm not looking at that option for Chester but may change my mind.

I'm aware of rescues/foster places with single boars in but Chesters spent a week with a foster carer for a rescue and it started well but he's fought with his potential partner and they were separated. He then was tried with another and same happened.

I'm waiting to hear if this rescue get a baby boar in soon if they do I'm going to send him boar dating again or I'll ask to have the boar here and try the bonding myself.

Chester is very dominant and can be quiet a bully unfortunately. He's lost 2 friends in 2 months poor chap so I've not given up yet - he seems happy enough alone but not got another pair of guineas anymore and really want a friend for him.
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