Advice On Bondig With My Guineas

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 2, 2017
Reaction score
I have only had my guineas for 5 days and they are already coming to me for food and sitting on my lap happily although when I want to pick them up they run a bit. How long until they trust me? How long did it take you?
I have only had my guineas for 5 days and they are already coming to me for food and sitting on my lap happily although when I want to pick them up they run a bit. How long until they trust me? How long did it take you?

You are doing fine; it can take a lot longer. Most guinea pigs don't like being picked up; it cuts too close to their prey animal instincts.

You may find these guides here helpful for making friends with your guinea pigs in their language:
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig

You can find lots more guides that answer the most often asked questions from new owners via this link here for a smooth start: New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit
That is there prey instinct try to herd them into a tube or cuddly, then you can pick them up in the tube/cuddly.
Piggies will always run it is a prey reflex, we still chase our oldest..... :))

We use this technique often with younger piggies and it really takes the stress out. Our piggies in the video were well used to being herded into something to collect them in.
Piggies will always run it is a prey reflex, we still chase our oldest..... :))

We use this technique often with younger piggies and it really takes the stress out. Our piggies in the video were well used to being herded into something to collect them in.
thank youx
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