Advice on boar introduction

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Feb 10, 2011
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Hello everyone!
We just got our third little piggy. It's a baby boar (gorgeous) and he is currently living alone because he is completing his quarantine period. Once it's over, I want to introduce him to my other two piggies. Pickles is 8 and Kug is 7 months old and have been introduced when Kug was very young. Pickles is the dominant of the two.

I had another third piggy named Pepper. He was an adult when he was introduced to the two and as Pickles clearly dominated him and meant him no harm, Kug was very aggressive with him and began to bite him and attack him. I tried to re-introduce them two times but it just didn't work. I did everything I could, meeting on a neutral territory, cleaning the cage to remove the smell, having a big cage, bathing them together but nothing worked! Kug had the same reaction. Now Pepper is living at my cousin's so he is okay (my cousin has a neutered sow so I bet he's living quite the life!).

However this time, I would love to get some advice on how to introduce them so the same thing doesn't happen again. I hope Kug will not pick on the little one the same way he attacked Pepper. Anyways, any kind of helpful advice will be greatly appreciated so the same infortunate thing doesn't happen.

BTW, here is a pic of the new one called Bagel :D
Bonding three boars is a difficult and often doesn't work especially when bonding during their hormonal months (8 weeks - 14 months) as this is the time when boars test their dominance, adding a third male will often result in disaster. (I know I've tried bonding three boars).

I've made a thread, a while back on successful boar pairings/ and trios:

Laura x
Are Pickles and Pug bonded adult boars? I'm not an expert on these things by any stretch of the imagination but I'd say the likely hood of him not getting picked on is very slim considering the other two are a bonded male pair. Maybe someone with more experience in these matters can help. Good luck, he is a cutie x)x)
I wouldn't even attempt to introduce another boar into my bonded pair! I'd hate to run the risk of having 3 seperated boars :...
Thanks so much Audio-Heart, this thread is awesome! It's good that I have a lot of space, but it could still not work.

Pickles and Kug are a very stable pair. They have known each other for a very long time. With Pepper, only Kug seemed to have a problem with him and now that Pepper is not living with us anymore, it's just like nothing ever happened. Kug is the same as he was before, happy to be with Pickles.

The thing is, little Bagel is young and he seems to be shy so maybe Kug will accept him more easily than Pepper who was an adult trying to be the boss of him.

Anyways, I will wait for Bagel to finish his quarantine period and I'll give it a shot. I will let you guys know. :D
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