advice on baby sitting boars with girls in the house.

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Jul 15, 2009
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My mum is going for an operation and i will need to piggie sit for a few months. I have my boar sam in a different cage from my girls but if I'm watching 2 males that are i the same cage I'm worried in case they fight.

I was thinking of keeping them up stairs in the spare room but i would feel bad about leaving them there. Could i keep my pig sam up stairs with them in his cage or keep them separate all together? I know the smell/sound of the other pigs would set them off so is the best thing to do is keep them away from my pigs all together?
I reckon your best bet is to keep them away from your piggys

If you put them in the spare room, you'd make sure you went in to check on them ect so you wouldn't need to feel bad :)

Kira xx
you will have to remember to handle the boys before you handle the girls as the smell of the girl on your clothes can set them off and other little things like that
If you leave the door open, they will still be able to hear what's going on in the house, or have a radio going softly to give them company.

Make sure that you wash your hands and have a separate "cuddle pullover" and pair of trousers/pajamas for your mother's boys.

I'm not so sure whether it is a good idea to move Sam - coming from next doors to girls, he is more likely to see your mother's boys as intruders and rivals.
I think your all right thanks for the advice :) I shall start making plans now, i shall make them toys and give them extra cuddles!
Use toilet rolls stuffed with hay, grass cabbage or lettuce leaves. You can also hang them from a thread from the top of the cage. A soft rag pegged to the bars and pooling onto the floor is fun as well!

Or put saucers or ramekins in that have been swirled with some kind of fruit juice or other for sniffing and licking.
Some great ideas, i have safe bird feeders stuffed with hay which they love, like a tree of hay lol I've found a small fleece on the floor is hours of fun too :) oh to be a pig!

I'll need to put some pics of when I'm done.
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