Advice Needed Please, Dad & Son Separated

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2007
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Juli an I rally n som avic plas. your bon fathr an son Blaz an Scampy hav falln out.

W ar blaming ourslvs bcaus thy sm fin until w brought in othr piggis a fw months ago (in sprat housing, but clos by). Blaz was ill ovr th wkn an ha to b takn to th vt - w took Scampy as wll to kp thm togthr. Scampy was on th blunt n of Blaz bing ill as h was bing snip at a bit as Blaz was fling rough an just want a li own probably. Prhaps w shoul hav tmporarily sprat thm thn, I on't know. But two nights ago Juli saw Scampy go for Blaz an tak a mouthful of hair. Som rumbling an tth chattring has bn sn sinc, but no othr such attacks until last night whn I ha to brak thm up.

Thy sm to b happy togthr som of th tim but thn th tth chattring an rumbling starts again :( W n up bathing thm togthr up trying to r-bon thm. Work for about 20 mins, thy hul up in th bath togthr an whn thy wr bing ri off. But latr on thy start th rumbling with much tth chattring out on th floor again, so w finally ha to sprat thm :-\

Thy ar now in a 120cm long cag which has bn ivi up with a mash up tmporary ivr.

W'r prtty gutt as thy on't rally hav th spac, but at last thy ar saf from on anothr.

If anyon has ANY iias or xprincs PEASE coul you post thm hr, w ar both prtty upst about it all at th momnt.

Martin an Juli

Eit - Hav just ralis hav put in Housing - Shoul b in Bhaviour, plas coul on of th mos mov? thanks
[colorr]Mov for you :) - Kat
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Re: Advice Needed Please, Dad and Son Separated

Hey you guys. Are the other pigs girls or boys? If they're girls, my best suggestion would be neutering & then a girls each. But if the new pigs are boys - Iwould give dad & son another go. Completely disinfect the cage & houses to get rid of any previous smells do the usual bathing & put them in together again. I'm sure you do have 2 of everything - bowls, water, houses. They prob just needed time out. Wiggy & Rusty squabble & there was a time where I thought that they were going to have to be seperated - but a few tense days for me paid off & they're fine now.

Good luck
Re: Advice Needed Please, Dad & Son Separated*Sorry Put in Wrong Section!*

Hi Hils, thanks for the reply. Sorry should have mentioned the other two newer piggies are boys. We are really hoping its a temporary thing because of the illness etc. They seem to have made no attempt to get into each other (that we have seen anyway) and have both spent time in their own hides (yes, they have two of everything, we thought to do that to prevent any bullying before they fell out!) We bathed them last night and should have changed the cage, but by this time it was pretty late and it took us ages to construct the makeshift divider. We will try again tonight, rather than bathe them again just put them in the bath so they can liten to a bit of running water etc, get their feet wet...

The thing we are really concerned about it is I've heard that if you seperate bonded pigs they rarely get back together again. However we were watching them very carefully this morning and there was some rumbling - but then they just stopped and wandered of, like they used to. I also saw them touching noses (seemingly peacefully) through the bars, so that gives us a glimmer of hope! Last night when we seperated them there was still teeth chattering and squaring up through the bars, sor hopefully it's a step up from that!

Marty :)
I have had this situation and although some of you may no agree with me ,this did work, i bathed these two boys. disinfected the cage and dried them and then put Vick on the end of there noises and sprayed some body shop white musk on my hand and rubbed it on there fur near the rump, and it worked and they smelt lovely

I was very careful in doing this with the Vick on there noses, but it did work! you could try this, it could be enough to confuse them and throw them together.
We are willing to try anything we can to get these boys back together. Does it have to be white musk? I know Julie has other Body Shop perfumes! Can get some Vicks no problem. I've just seen another thread on this board which sounds similar to our situations.
Thanks for the input, and thanks Kate for moving this thread!

We have set up a 'piggycam' which has (hopefully) recorded what they have been up to, which we will look at tonight ::) Honestly the lengths we go to for our animals!


PS What did you name your three musketeers in the end? :)
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