One of my pigs travels regularly, every weekend in fact, i leave on a Thursday and return again on a Monday and if anything he loves it. The first time he was a bit unsure but by the second time he seemed to know what was happening and happily hopped into his crate.
I live between my house and my boyfriends house, i have two pigs at my boyfriends house that live permanently and then one single boar that lives with me, every thursday i get him in his collapsable crate and take him in the car for a 15 minute drive to my boyfriends where he stays for the weekend in a small c&c next to my other boys. When he’s in the car i sit on the back seat with him by my side and i just leave my hand in the cage or by the cage so he has the comfort of knowing i’m there but most of the time he just snuggles into his cosy sack and goes for a nap! Unless the windows open then he loves to stick his head in the air and sniff the world as it goes by haha. He loves travelling with me because a) theres other pigs to talk to and b) he’s the sort of pig that likes new things, he’s quite brave and so new smells and scenes get him all excited, plus theres always someone home at my boyfriends which equally means theres always treats at hand!
If your pigs are the right sort of temperament i’m sure they’d love it too.
As long as you make it a nice experience for them and stick to any routine i don’t think it’s a problem they hardly notice really. Theres nothing wrong with doing things to make your life easier. If i didn’t bring my pig with me, he would be at home alone, and i’d visit him to give him veg every evening and then leave again, so in my eyes, i’m being more of responsible owner by bringing him with me and allowing him to have company even if his cage at my boyfriends doesn’t meet the minimum requirements and even if he has to go through the ‘stress’ of travelling (which isn’t even stressful for him)
To make it less stressful when i travel with my pigs i try to cover the crate with a blanket to stop drafts and to make it a dark spot but my pigs try to peek through because they’re a bit nosey like that! When it comes to different environments, i find most pigs like a change of scenery as much as we humans do !
If it makes you feel better write a list of pros and cons. Weigh them up visually and see what you think.