Advice needed for a tired piggy owner

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Mar 26, 2010
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I have two boars and two sows at the moment.
My two boars live quite happily in a c&c together,
my older sow lives in a cage on her own at the minute recovering from a fungal infection and my younger sow lives in a cage on top of hers.
I bought my last guinea pig as company for my sow but she contracted a fungal infection somehow so i seperated her.
Now that I've reintroduced her (they live in our bedroom) all hell breaks lose in the night time.
I've never heard so much bar chewing, squeeking and guinea pig olympics (running around the cage as fast as they can) after the lights go out. I try to give them a run around during the day and the boys in the c&c are generally good but the girls have gotten so disruptive.
I can easily say that at least ten times a night the last two nights we have been woken up by the guinea pigs three feet from the bed.
Is there anything I can do to stop them from doing any of these things while I'm asleep, any help/suggestions/advice/experience appreciated.
A Tired Piggy Owner
I have no advice to give on exactly how to stop their night-time antics - but can tell you that you are not alone.

A few weeks back i had to have my two boys in a temporary cage in my bedroom and it seemed as soon as the lights went off - they came alive. My sheltie boy is a real talker and he would get in to conversations with his cagemate about 4 times a night - add to this their their 2-3-and 4am olympics of running around the cage as fast as they could, and me and my partner walked around the next day like zombies from lack of sleep.

Do you have any space anywhere else in your home that you set up their cage? Unfortunately my guinea pigs sleep downstairs, so thankfully i get a good nights sleep - but i symnpathise with you :) Hope you get it sorted - i'm sure someone else will be along shortly with some suggestions

good luck :)
I don't really think there's anything you can do. Maybe you could just give them their main meal just before bed and they'll be eating that and maybe go to sleep after, but I think they'd still probably make noise. Moving them would be the best option if you can.
Unfortunately guinea pigs (or any animal) don't sleep when you want them to or for the duration you'd like them to @)

Maybe the excitement of your two girls now being together has a slight impact on their night-time performance - with time perhaps they'll settle down or you'll get that used to the noise that you'll sleep right through it.

Either way, i think your probably best to look for an alternative room for their cage - that way they can play to their hearts content and you can get a good nights sleep
My piggies keep me awake and they live outdoors! Outside my window that I usually have open though. :) They also tell me when it's time to get up to give them their breakfast!

And one of my bunnies once made a see-saw, out of her food bowl and her litter tray turned upside down (it's a small cat litter tray) and was running back and forth over it in the middle of the night! I ran out to see what was going on with all the banging noises, and just saw her having fun. :)
I have two boars and two sows at the moment.
My two boars live quite happily in a c&c together,
my older sow lives in a cage on her own at the minute recovering from a fungal infection and my younger sow lives in a cage on top of hers.
I bought my last guinea pig as company for my sow but she contracted a fungal infection somehow so i seperated her.
Now that I've reintroduced her (they live in our bedroom) all hell breaks lose in the night time.
I've never heard so much bar chewing, squeeking and guinea pig olympics (running around the cage as fast as they can) after the lights go out. I try to give them a run around during the day and the boys in the c&c are generally good but the girls have gotten so disruptive.
I can easily say that at least ten times a night the last two nights we have been woken up by the guinea pigs three feet from the bed.
Is there anything I can do to stop them from doing any of these things while I'm asleep, any help/suggestions/advice/experience appreciated.
A Tired Piggy Owner

Tee hee hee. I shouldn't laugh but it did sound so cute and funny. I'm sorry that your sleep is being distrupted, it can be really difficult when that happens. I don't even have any advice as mine sleep downstairs and I never hear them. I hope it settles down soon and you get some sleep.
Lol thanks for the sympathy guys :)
The girls cages were angrily and quickly removed from the room at 7.30am this morning by my OH, I think he'd had enough. Hopefully we get our own place soon (he finds out about a job interview on Tuesday), then we can dedicate a room to the pigs and we'll all be happy.
I swear, sometimes I think it would be easier having real children! :)
Lol thanks for the sympathy guys :)
The girls cages were angrily and quickly removed from the room at 7.30am this morning by my OH, I think he'd had enough. Hopefully we get our own place soon (he finds out about a job interview on Tuesday), then we can dedicate a room to the pigs and we'll all be happy.
I swear, sometimes I think it would be easier having real children! :)

No its not! trust me , ive had 5 children and my piggies are easier!:)):))
Lol I guess it depends on how difficult the children are?
Hopefully I won't know for another few years anyway,
I've only gone 21 this month.
By the sounds of things I won't be having any if they're more difficult than my lot of pigs haha :))
I can totally sympathise with the OH problems! When we moved house, our girls came into the house from an indoor hutch. I bought the biggest indoor hutch I could find but it took them ages to settle down and stop chasing each other and squealing constantly. We couldn't hear the TV they were so loud, even with the door shut and them in the room next door! I ended up getting our old indoor hutch out and putting 2 girls in there and leaving the other 2 girls in the first hutch. What a palaver! And my hubby was threatening to put them in the garage if they kept up the noise! (Of course, he would never do that really). All the girls were then desparate to be back together and made even more noise!
Anyway, about 1 month later, they settled down and apart from occasional nips and the odd squabble, they are fine and peaceful. So hopefully it's just a matter of them settling down together again after being apart.
I'm sure your house is pure madness then angel1! God I couldnt imagine having two babies, my OH is bad enough! :))

Yeah he's a big short tempered but it was warrented in fairness.
One of the nights he had an interview the next morning and another night he had to collect his son at 9am :)
We have a fair few Guinea Pigs that live in the main bedroom with us lol They don't really make that much noise, they talk to each other and chew stuff but that's about it. Nothing that would keep us awake, we must have some well behaved piggies. lol Now I've said that, I'm probably not going to get any sleep tonight!
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