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Advice needed - End of life query


New Born Pup
Feb 24, 2024
Reaction score
United states
About 8 months ago my baby was diagnosed with cancer. I was given the option to do a biopsy and surgery but decided against it. Our vet gave him a 50/50 chance and it didn’t feel right to put him through that ( he was abused by his previous owners, bullied by another male who he was caged with, he’s blind and is overall more anxious than most piggies)
Today I took him to the vet because he hasn’t been eating, has had lower energy and the tumor he had had gotten bigger. The doctor said he has irregular breathing and heart problems. They could run more tests or I have the option of euthanasia. I think I might euthanize him but I don’t want to make the wrong decision

Any advice or suggestions would be helpful
Morning I am so sorry for what you are dealing with and it must be heartbreaking 😥 if the decision is made out of love to PTS you are doing the right thing if you feel it is the kindest choice for your baby but it's a terrible choice to make. Stay in touch with people on here, don't rush any decisions unless he's in pain and be kind to yourself too 🌈
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I’m so sorry your piggy is unwell. If he has stopped eating then that may be a sign that he’s ready for the rainbow bridge. You know how he seems in himself. If you think his quality of life isn’t good then pts would be the kindest option. I’m so sorry. It’s such a hard decision. Take care ❤️
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I am so sorry you and your boy are going through this right now, it’s incredibly sad 😞 I think it’s probably time to let him go, I am so sorry x
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The loss of appetite means that the pain and discomfort have become too big to suppress and that you will have to consider whether it may be kinder to let him go.

Unfortunately, we cannot tell you what to do; only you as the owner can make that decision. As long s you put your piggy's welfare before your own fear of loss, you cannot go wrong.

Please take the time to read this guide here. It is very practical and talks you through the whole thing step by step. It doesn't make for an easy read but it can hopefully help you make any decisions with a clearer mind if not with a less aching heart and ease some of the guilt for you. Euthanasaia/putting to sleep is the most loving and most heart breaking gift we can make a beloved one when all else has failed; it is a very powerful gift to spare unnecessary suffering to one who has lost their zest and will to fight for life.
A Practical and Sensitive Guide to Dying, Terminal Illness and Euthanasia in Guinea Pigs

My thoughts are with you.
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