Advice Needed - Bereavement

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New Born Pup
Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
Hi All,
Our beloved Bert died in my arms last night. It was a very sudden onset thing. Vet suspects a stroke.

Our other boy, Bertie, is healthy, eating and drinking etc. but understandably anxious and stressed. We want to do all we can to support Bertie. Any tips on how best to help him over the next few days as it must be very confusing for him?....

We are also wondering about when it would be best to introduce another piggy. We can divide the hutch easily so any introductions can be very gradual. Obviously we don't want to rush into getting Bertie a new friend but we also don't want him to be lonely....any advice as to when we should think about a new friend for him? Also, would a new friend need to be of a similar age? Bertie is 2 years old and usually very easy going.

Any advice would be very gratefully received.
I am so very sorry for your loss.:( He is pop corning with all the other piggies on the rainbow bridge. Sometimes posting about them on that section really helps. Best wishes x
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Hi All,
Our beloved Bert died in my arms last night. It was a very sudden onset thing. Vet suspects a stroke.

Our other boy, Bertie, is healthy, eating and drinking etc. but understandably anxious and stressed. We want to do all we can to support Bertie. Any tips on how best to help him over the next few days as it must be very confusing for him?....

We are also wondering about when it would be best to introduce another piggy. We can divide the hutch easily so any introductions can be very gradual. Obviously we don't want to rush into getting Bertie a new friend but we also don't want him to be lonely....any advice as to when we should think about a new friend for him? Also, would a new friend need to be of a similar age? Bertie is 2 years old and usually very easy going.

Any advice would be very gratefully received.
I'm so sorry for you lossxx
Hi and welcome!

I am so sorry for your loss. You are welcome to post a tribute to Bert in our Rainbow Bridge section if or whenever it feels right for you. We all grieve differently; just so you know it is there if you would like to make use of it.

@PiggyOwner has already given you the link to our guide on what you can do any bereaved companions.

Since we have got members from all over the world, we find it helpful if you please added your country, state/province or UK county, so we can always tailor any advice to what is relevant and available for you and if possible help you with local tips. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!
Hi and welcome!

I am so sorry for your loss. You are welcome to post a tribute to Bert in our Rainbow Bridge section if or whenever it feels right for you. We all grieve differently; just so you know it is there if you would like to make use of it.

@PiggyOwner has already given you the link to our guide on what you can do any bereaved companions.

Since we have got members from all over the world, we find it helpful if you please added your country, state/province or UK county, so we can always tailor any advice to what is relevant and available for you and if possible help you with local tips. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!

Thank you. Have updated my location - sorry about that. X
Thank you. Have updated my location - sorry about that. X

Thanks - it allows us to help you as bast as we can!
Blue Cross Rescue in Burford does unfortunately not offer boar dating at the rescue to my knowledge; it is likely your closest rescue.
Windhwistle Warren by Cheltenham have just closed down their guinea pig side, but they may still have adoptable guinea pigs, so that is worth enquiring, as they used to offer bonding.
You also could contact The Littlest Rescue Bristol-way.
That will allow Bertie to have a say in who he would like to live with and give you some much needed peace of mind.
Thank you all for your kind words. Bertie seems to have picked up a bit. We've been in touch with the local Blue Cross and they have some potential new friends for him so we're visiting next week.

Thanks again. X
Big hugs to you - it's such a shock when they go - I couldn't accept in my head that Bumble had actually gone when he passed away last week xx
Thank you. Yes, we're still reeling from it. It was just so quick..... I'm very sorry to hear about Bumble. Hugs back to you. Xx
The Blue Cross have called us again today and informed us that they will only allow us to adopt a female guinea pig as they make better companions. They would also want us to have Bertie neutered before adopting. Has anybody else ever been told this before? Such a shame as they have lots of boars needing to be rehomed.

Our two boars got on beautifully and the last thing I want to do at the moment is put Bertie through the stress of an operation - he's been through so much stress already..... :/
Would you be prepared to travel? There ARE rescues that provide a boar dating service. I am fortunate that 3 near me do. I travelled by rail when I 1st took one of my boars dating.
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I would be prepared to travel within reason - I just don't want to stress Bertie our any more than absolutely necessary but, if it gets him a long term friend that he's happy with it would be worth it.

I've checked with The Littlest Rescue near Bristol and they don't have any single boars at present.....
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