Advice needed - 2 boars fighting.

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Dec 27, 2010
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Back in the Autmn i had to seperate 3 of my boy piggies, they where brothes and obviously have been together since birth. The bickering started when they where being moved from the cage inside our house, to their old hutch during the day when it was sunny out. Ozzy has alwasy been the naturally dominate one, and the other 2 accepted that. But one night Ozzy was being very aggressive towards Parsley (the very quite & laid back one) It got to the point where Ozzy was chasing his 2 brothers round the cage going for them. So I took him out. The next morning I found blood in the 2 brothers Chube & food bowl, that had come from Parsley. Now, Zippy was being overly aggressive & fighting with Parsley. mallethead Stupidly I put Ozzy and Zippy back together in the hutch. Basically Zippy ended up biting 1 big hole and a few little ones in Ozzy. So needless to say I seperated those two as well.

It's been a few months since they've been in a cage with each other, but they're in the same room, and the cages are next to each other. I've tried putting Ozzy (who has now been castrated) and Parsley on the floor together a few times, and it was just a bit on mild teeth chattering going on.

Basically, I'd like your opinions on what you'd do if they where your Squigles, would you leave them seperate or try to get them back together?
Did the vet suggest to you to have Ozzy neutered to calm his temperament? as that doesnt work with guinea pigs it wont change his temperament, just the fact he cant make babies.

If Ozzy is neutered, maybe get him a female companion if he made Parsley bleed through fighting. Sometimes you can successfully introduce them back together after blood was drawn before but not always.

Id **** personally try and introduce them again but if any fighting was set to happen then I wouldnt try ever again and would just have to face that they wont get along.

Keep the grounds neutral, try bathing them together so they both smell the same, food can be a good help as well. I wouldnt put them in a cage together though just yet.
Yeah, pretty much, he was hacving to be put under to hyave the wounds stitched up, so we had him done at the same time. It's probably coincidence, but since he's been done he hasn't nibbled me haha only licked (whichy he'd never do)
It was Zippy that drew blood on Parsley & Ozzy, and often the trouble maker when we get him out for a run haha.

We've tried putting Ozzy & Parsley together in the sitting room, away from the other piggies, and there's enoguh room for them to wander around and not get in each others way. Putting him with a girl isn't really an option, Mum & me have 7 already, and we really don't want anymore haha

Thank you:)
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