Advice Moving Birt & Gertrude In Together

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 5, 2012
Reaction score
St. Helens, North West

I've been searching for threads on here regarding moving pigs in together. Birt has been neutered now since 20th August, the vet said after 4 weeks they should be ok to put together.

For the last 2 weeks, I've had them meeting each other, on neutral grounds, but I've stayed with them all the time. They seem to be ok - Gertrude was grooming Birt and nibbled his ear, Birt started following Gertrude and sniffing bums has been happening.

I read today about putting a bowl of veg in the middle of the floor and get them to bond/share over that, which I thought was a fab idea, I'll try that after. But, do you think I still need to keep them bonding before putting them into the cage together?

When do you know it's "time" to go in together?

Thanks :)
I would make sure their arrangement is big enough for two piggies , get it all clean and fresh , and pop them in together , keep an eye on them for an hour or so and if all goes well it should be fine :)

You are better off keeping them together from now on , play dates may confuse them as they will behave as if theyve never seen each other before and start from scratch (if that makes sense?) Sounds to me like they get on just fine at the moment so as long as hes all healed id just go for it.
I'm not sure whether 4 weeks is the right length of time - I've not experienced it myself but I think you need to wait longer to be really sure @PiggyOwner @sport_billy can either of you remind me of the right length of time?
oops thought OP did say six weeks , id definitely give them a abit more time apart to be on the safe side.
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